Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six


Mason is so amazing. After only a few hours, he was able to find the Book of Light, although ironic because of its black cover. I sighed, sometimes being next to him it feels like I'm not as good as him.

Leaning on the wall of the hallway, I was thinking of places that I would put a destructive book that could kill someone. Burn it, is what Mason told me Justice said to do. I chuckled. That sounded like something I would say too.

I slid down the wall until my butt was on the floor and my back against the wall. I just couldn't come up with anywhere I would put that stupid book. Why am I so stupid? I can't do anything right. I failed a basic class, Intro to Internal Magic. INTRO!

This is so stupid. This isn't working. My right hand reached to my bonded tattoo. What would Mason do? Before I could reach my tattoo, a voice sounded in my head, 'Why do you always need him? He's not able to find it! You know where it is! SENSE IT!!'

A burst of magic pulsed through my body, everything around me became overwhelming. I almost couldn't take it. Sparks of power flashed before my eyes and I let out a shout, my voice echoed down the hall.

My body floated up in the air, the sparks shocking my body with every moment that passed by. I felt as if something were taking over my body, and then came the blackness.

The room was dark. The magic was palpable around me, the waves of energy moved around me with no sense of rhyme or reason.

A figure manifested before me. He was about the same height as me and the shadow was dark, I couldn't see who it was or what it was until the darkness began to fade.

As the figure stepped forward, it revealed who it was. As I looked at the face of the person, I was in shock. It was him, Justice Berrien, the me of my past life.


"Hi. You're him! Justice!" He smiled.

"I'm glad that my future self recognizes me." He looked at me for a moment, taking pause.

"Why am I here?"

"You called to me. You pulled from our soul, seeing information that only I know." I was puzzled.

"What do you mean? I didn't call you."

"But you did, you were doubting yourself, and now I know that it was my downfall for I didn't have confidence in myself as well. You need to know that you and Matty are strong together. Do not think yourself to be useless for you have so much to contribute. Without you, he would not be able to defeat this darkness that has taken plague of the school as well as in our hearts.

"He can help you too. I know how you're feeling. I know you are feeling as I did in my time, unwanted, destructive, passive, dependent, and lonely. I felt all of it and more, and until Matty healed my of my pain I couldn't function well. Even after he helped me, I still had the darkness peeking into my mind."

I thought about what he was saying, and it was true. I could sense it, as I always had been able to. There was always a part of me that felt like I wasn't right or okay. I let out a sigh of relief that there was someone who understood what I was feeling on a daily basis.

"Thank you, for validating me. But, can you tell me where the Book of Darkness is?"

He nodded. "You have to look within yourself to remember where I put it. Your powers come with knowledge, the benefits of bonded magic. Our reincarnated magic comes with the wisdom of our past as well as the strength of a new generation's magic. Just remember, if nothing else from this experience, that your powers come with everything that you need; something that I wished that someone had told me."

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