Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


At lunch, Jesse was pressed against my side, his head on my shoulder. Don, my roommate, was sitting across from me, his new conquest at his shoulder. Thantos was red in the face with Don's arm around his shoulders.

It was kind of adorable, not as adorable as Jesse, but still. It was cute to see that my roommate was finally sticking to someone instead of just doing anything that moves. This has probably been a long time coming.

When the bell for the end of lunch rang in my head, everyone in the cafeteria started to scurry, heading towards their next class for the day. Jesse and I caught Thantos before he could walk away.

"Did you need something?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, "Do you happen to know where the Book of Light is?"

He shook his head. "No, it's been lost for a century." I let out a deep sigh. I had no clue where to start. This was getting on my nerves. "But," I looked back at him, hoping he could give me any clue, "There might be someone who you can ask. Try Baxter. He's the best in his class for Psychic Arts right now. He may be able to tell you."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed at him. He nodded and walked away.

I turned to Jesse. "Do you know where he might be? This Baxter dude?"

"Yeah. He's in one of my classes. Let's go find him."


Jesse talked to Baxter, and he agreed to meet me after school in the potions and brews lab. Looking at him, I could tell that he was probably not the most socially adept person in the school, but at this point he was what I needed to find the Book of Light.

"I know why you're here. You want to find one of the sacred books." I nodded.

"Can you help me?"

"Yes, but in order for me to find it, I will need for you to take off your shirt." I looked at him, shocked.

"I'm not taking off my shirt! You pervert!" I started to walk out, grabbing my things.

"I'm not asking you to take off your shirt because I want to have sex with you. I need to touch the tattoo on your shoulder. It's a direct link to the book." I put my stuff down.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." I took off my shirt. He didn't seem impressed. His hand touched my shoulder, then he shuddered. I looked at his face, but his eyes were closed.

He stayed that way for a good ten minutes with me getting bored just standing here with him touching me with his eyes closed. This was boring.

Suddenly, he jolted. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, "Witches brew and potions they cook, to find what you want go to a room that has a book!"

I looked at him, confused. What the freak? He blinked a few times and and looked back at me. "Did I say something?" he asked me.

"Yes." He nodded and straightened himself out.

"Then there is your clue. Go follow it." He patted my shoulder and walked out. I was more confused than ever.


Walking down the hall was not helping me figure out what I needed to do to find the Book. It was so frustrating. Who tells someone a riddle, doesn't remember telling the riddle, and then leaves the other person to figure out the riddle. This is some messed up bull.

I let out a big sigh, all my frustrations and worried going out of my body with it, although unsuccessful.

"Mason!" I heard my name being shouted down the hall. I looked around and spotted James, Jesse's twin brother. I knew he has James by the tattoos that covers almost every inch of his body, compared to Jesse's one tattoo, his bond tattoo.

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