Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


            I went to Professor Dupré’s room, I was desperate. I needed to know about what was going on with me, and what I could do to undo it. I had to break this, bond thing. It was going to ruin my life. One day at school and already I’m the biggest freak here. I could already hear the whispers down the hall. That’s him, he’s the one who bonded with Jesse. It was embarrassing and I didn’t want to have to be the odd man out, not here where I could actually make a new start. Who cares that I didn’t want to come here in the first place; I still could have a new beginning here, and being bonded on the first day was not the best way to do that.

            Since it was sixth hour, it was okay for me to me knocking on her door. I walked back to the lab station that we’d been at and where she was standing right now.

            “Mason?” she asked, “What are you doing here? I thought that you were excused for today.”

            Everything came rushing out of my mouth before I could stop it. “I-I need help. I don’t know what to do. People are saying that I’ve, what’s the word they used, bonded to Jesse. How? Why? What does it mean? You’re the only one that I know here than can give me answers.” I slumped into the barstool that was there and sighed. My life was messed up.

            “Well, the first thing that you need to understand is that this is fate’s way of saying that you and that Jesse boy are meant to be together and that you two have a special destiny.”

            “What am I supposed to do?”

            Her lips thinned into a line. “I don’t know, but in time you will find your own path.” Even though she sounded wise and all-knowing, I was still a bratty teenager, so I did what most bratty teenagers did, pout and whine.

            “I don’t want to have a big destiny! I just want to be like any other regular teenager. People are going to laugh at me for this!”

            “Believe me, I understand. Did you think that you’re the only one who’s had a bonded witch? I remember when Christopher and I first became bonded. It was like magic, technically it was since we were both witches, but what we did together to stop the evil we’d been destined to was incredible. It was a good part of my life.” I sighed. I could understand where she was coming from, but that didn’t mean that I had to like it.

            “Can you help me with it though? Will you…will you help me understand how this will change things, how it will change me?”

            “Of course I will, I’m your Professor. Now, the first thing that you need to understand is that you are he are now connected on a level that no one else but you two can understand. Even I cannot see or feel how connected you are, because every bonded pair is different. Every witch contributes to the connection differently. Some witches contribute powers, others wisdom or even bravery. There are so many things that one witch has that the other doesn’t that nature usually makes the two witches in perfect sync because of it. For example, if one witch needed wisdom about something, the other witch would unknowingly give it.

            “The bond is special, but it is not all knowing, meaning that even though both witches are connected, there must be an effort that is put into it. If there is a lack of effort, the bond is weak and it could harm both witches if it disappears.” I nodded taking it all in.

            “Let’s do something that I think will help you now. Close your eyes.” I did. “Now, imagine Jesse. Picture what he looks like.” I did. I could practically see his short black hair with the one streak of blue, a blue that was the same color as my eyes. I could see his beautiful grey eyes. Unlike other people whose grey eyes looked cold and menacing, his eyes were warm, caring, soft and gentle. I could see his semi-slender figure. Then, what I was picturing changed.

            I still saw Jesse, but he was sleeping. He was nestled in a blue and purple comforter with only his head peeking out. His hair was combed over, but he looked at peace. The room he was in was decorated to his personality. The walls were painted grey and blue, the furnishings was an assortment of colors. It was very well done, but I didn’t care about that stuff; all I could see was him curling around a pillow.

            I suddenly felt something, I didn’t know what it was, but I know that I didn’t like the pillow. It didn’t belong there in his arms, I did! Whoa, wait, what? Did I say that? It was then, staring at the pillow with rage, that I knew what I’d felt before. I was jealous, of a pillow? Something was happening and I wasn’t sure what. I knew one thing, I was slowly wanting to get closer and closer with Jesse. 

            Even now, seeing him as he was, I felt the urge to walk over, throw the pillow aside and take its place. I wanted to feel his heat next to mine and to feel his lips press against mine. There was nothing to describe this feeling except desire. I wanted him, badly, and I was scared to feel this way, but I knew that the way I was feeling now was only the beginning.

            Professor Dupré’s voice came into my head and spoke, “Now, look deeper, into his soul. Just picture a glow around him.” I tried. I looked at him, staring, but nothing was happening. I was still seeing only him; no glow, no soul. It was just him, looking cute, sleeping.

            The desire I’d felt grew ten times stronger the more I looked at him. All I could feel was the need for me to be with him, and I was scared because my body acted on its own. My legs move on their own accord. I tried to stop moving, but I couldn’t. I could stop myself as my arm reached out and grabbed one corner of the blanket. I pulled it back and…I was back in Professor Dupré’s classroom.

            She let out a breath. She turned to look at me. “What is it that you saw, because  that was not just a visualization; that was a vision.”

            “I saw Jesse, sleeping in his room.” I said carefully.

            She nodded considerably. “It seems you’ve already mastered astral projection, the ability to send your consciousness from one place to another, more specifically to your bonded mate.”

            “What, so you mean that I was actually there?” She nodded. “What does this mean?”
            “It means that you and Jesse are a unique pair and that I have no idea what to do with either one of you. I guess we’ll have to figure all of this out together, and because you two are so advanced in your connection, I’m going to have Jesse transferred from his independent studies Professor to me.”

            A chime rang in my ear. “Well, the bell has great timing. Have a good evening.” She escorted me out of her room, and once again slammed it behind me. I went to my dorm. Can this day get any weirder?



            I woke up when my blanket was pulled away from me, exposing me to the cold temperature my roommate likes. I shivered as I looked around. There was no one in here with me and I hadn’t heard the door open. Weird.

            I pulled the blanket back over me and went back to sleep.

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