Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


Walking into Professor Jenkins' class, I could still feel Mason all over my body; the feel of his arms wrapped around me. I loved feeling of having my head laying on his chest. His rhythmic heartbeat lulling me to sleep. I finally fell asleep--no dreams.

I took my seat, the one next to Mason's. He wasn't here yet. When I'd woken up, he was already gone. At first it made my heart pang with sadness, but then I saw that he left a note on the pillow by my head. On it with his scribble was, "Love you lots. Had to go to my dorm to change. See you in class!"

My cheeks flushed red as I thought about how amazing last night being his arms. It was warm and safe. Everything inside me called out to him, wanting to be one with him, but I wasn't ready to go all the way just yet. I still didn't know much about him. He was still a mystery.

"Jesse." I looked up. Speak of the devil. Mason walked into the class wearing a deep blue shirt, matching his specialty. He smiled at me, and my insides swooned. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up. Looking at him, seeing him walk with his long legs in those jeans stirred something within me. The way he moved ignited something primal within my heart.

The room was suddenly really warm, too warm. I felt almost feverish as Mason sat down. I looked his body up and down. I could see his muscles straining against his clothes, trying to break free. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, even as Professor Jenkins began to speak.

The teacher's lecture about the importance of understanding the workings of internal magic was in one ear and out the other, his voice droning on and on like a white noise machine. I couldn't make out a single word. All I could focus on his the way his neck looked. It was pocaline with a few thick veins that pulsated with every beat of his heart. His larynx moved up and down with every swallow of of saliva.

The muscles in his hand moved around as he used his pen to write notes. Every small movement of his pen causing me to feel more and more aroused. I was beginning to crave his touch, to have his hands on my body, making me feel safe and secure.

Staring at him, my eyes began to twitch. It felt uncomfortable, but it kept twitching. Soon enough, something within me clicked..

Matthew's eyes looked into mine, searching for something that let him know that I was okay. He was concerned for me, and I knew why. I just hadn't told him what was going on with me. I just...couldn't. He would hate me forever. The voice was right, I am not worthy of having him as my lover. He could never really love me. Why would he when I can't even be honest about something so simple, even if I'm scared that he's going to think I've gone insane. He can't ever find out about the voices. Never. Not in this life or any other. I'll make sure of it...

I blinked, the vision still fresh in my mind, my heart aching feeling Justice's emotions as though they were my own. Mason's head turned to look at me and his eyebrows bunched together. "Are you okay, Jesse?" he whispered to me.

I shook my head in response. I knew that something was wrong with me right now. I couldn't stop seeing the scene in my head. It was so real, like I was there. I needed to tell Mason, he needed to know about this. I have to talk to him more in depth about what is going on between us, and the fact that it's happening to both of us is not a coincidence.

And what was Justice thinking about the "voice". What could that possibly mean?

Mason raised his hand.

"Yes, Mason. Did you have a question?" Professor Jenkins said.

"Can I take Jesse to the nurse's office? He's not feeling well."

Jenkins Boarding School for Young Male Witches (BoyxBoy) [Book 1 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now