Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Now that we knew it was Lorenzo (or Luke as we know him in this lifetime), it was time for me and Jesse to come up with a battle plan. Both of the Books were in front of us, their presence affecting us in different ways. I was concerned about Jesse, but I also knew that this was something that he had to face on his own. His face was contorted with confusion. I assumed the book was talking to him again.

"The book said that we need to open them at the same time." he stated. I nodded. Whatever.
Me and Jesse opened the books at the same time. The pages began to turn, the sound of flipping filling the silent room. I felt a breeze with every page turned until it landed on a single page.

The letters on the page looked spectacular, adorned with embroidered letters that looked like it took forever to write by hand. The calligraphy was spectacular in its form and ability to look like a printed book, but there were subtle hints that the words were written by hand and with great care.

The words in the book did not take me by surprise, 'To Reincarnate Oneself'. There'd been many hints and visions that dictated this idea that we were reincarnations of our past selves. As I glanced at the Book of Darkness, I only saw a blank page of black paper.

"What does your page say, Jesse?" I asked.

"It says, 'To Remember a Past Life'. What does yours say?" he asked back.

"Mine says, 'To Reincarnate Oneself'." I wondered what it meant. Why did the books pair up these two spells?

"Should we do it, the spell to remember?" he asked carefully.

"If the books want us to, there must be a reason why, so yes. Let's perform the spell." Jesse nodded.


"What do we need for the spell?"

"It says we need thyme, the herb, cilantro essential oil, and a purple candle to represent the element spirit."

"Okay, where do you keep all of that?" I asked him. He looked coy.

"How do you know I have that stuff?" I gave him a pointed look.

"You're a hoarder."

"Am not!"

"Even in our past life you were a hoarder!" He blushed. He looked so freaking adorable that I just wanted to bend him over, pull down his pants, and plunge into him.

"Okay, maybe it's true. And I can feel what you're feeling, so stop it! Now's not a good time. Later, after this is all over." He looked down at his lap, and hid his face from me. I sent him a suggestive ping through the bond, and he jumped up. He swatted me and said, "Not now! I want to, but right now we have something to do!" He pouted, looking down with a smile on his face.

I love him.

"But I don't have the thyme. It says it needs to be freshly snipped in order for this incantation to work."

"Where can we get that?" I asked.

"Next to the tree in our vision, the Whispering Tree."


We made our way to the ridiculously large tree from our vision. The clearing was lined with all sorts of different herbs. Within minutes, Jesse had found the herb we were looking for and led me to it. Honestly, I should be paying more attention to potions and brews class, because all of these herbs looked the same to me. I couldn't, to save my life, distinguish the difference between each plant, but I was glad that Jesse could.

It was green, like most plants, and had tiny flowers sprouting from it. Meh.

I looked at Jesse, and I could see that he was looking at the tree in the vision we'd had. "Jesse." He turned to look at me, barely parting his glance from the giant tree. It had obviously grown, it was twice the size of the one we'd seen. "Is there something that you want to do?"

He looked reluctant to say it, I felt that he was nervous through our bond. "What if instead of using the spell in the book, we just get our memories from the tree. What if the book was just telling us to get our memories, and not actually use the spell. Think about it, this is safer, almost everyone does it, and we would still be getting our memories back."

He was talking so fast, I almost couldn't understand what he was saying. "Why are you trying to convince me? It's a good idea. Let's do it." He felt surprised. "Seriously, why did you think that I wouldn't think that this was a good idea?"

"Sometimes I think that I have bad ideas." I pulled him to me and kissed his head.

"But you have a good brain, and don't you forget it."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my torso, "I love you." I could feel the love pulsing through the bond. He really did love me, with all his being.

"I love you too," and I hoped that he was feeling every bit of love that I had for him, which was an endless reserve flowing from my heart to his.

We pulled apart and moved towards the spot underneath the tree, which now had a tarp that was dedicated to the whispering tree. We sat down, the tarp feeling soft and comfortable.

We sat in the same positions as in the visions. I focused my energy and connected with Jesse's powers through the bond. Our energies, unlike before, melted together. It was seamless how amazing it felt to be one with Jesse.

I felt the vines of the Whispering Tree gently wrap around us, connecting us with it. I felt the pulses of powers pang through us, encircling us with our power. It felt right, like we were connected to more than each other.

"Remember," Jesse and I said at the same time. The memories flowed from the tree to our minds like water flowing in a river from one bank to the next. It was amazing, experiencing every moment of my past life, seeing things that were familiar but also from a different perspective than mine. It was interesting to see and feel all of the things that I'd once been through. It was surreal, and I needed a moment to process all of the information that was coming though with this experience.

The passion I'd felt as Matthew, the love I'd felt for Justice, and the knowledge of what it was that we had to do to ensure that we were reincarnated and to protect the school was now ingrained in my mind. It was every single answer that I'd needed from the beginning. The simplicity of this process was overwhelming and took my breath away.

After feeling of the love, sex, happiness, joy, sorrow, anger, passion, shyness, sadness, depression and death was downloaded into my brain, Jesse and I pulled away. We were panting and the sweat was glistening off of our bodies. In this moment, I'd never felt more connected to Jesse, and I knew that after this moment, I wouldn't ever have to seek out anything, because Jesse was everything that I needed to be happy in life.

"I know what we need to do now. Everything is clear." I knew what Jesse was talking about. It was time, and I knew as well what needed to be done to save the school. 


Author's Note:

 I hope everyone will have an amazing Valentine's Day and may the air be filled and overflowing with love for all. 

I wanted to make sure that this chapter was ready to be posted, and it has been for a while, but I've been saving it for Valentine's Day to post this. 

The first person to make a comment for this story (NOT including MAYMERCY) will receive a dedication for the next chapter. Please remember to vote and comment to help promote the story to other readers as well as raise awareness of the writer's work. 

Much Love for All Today!!

Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

My Instagram handle is: the_purple_queen_writes

P.S. MayMercy is a mean person who always has her foot on my throat telling me to write, even though I already am. 

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