Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


            The whispers in the hallway were discouraging. There was nothing worse than knowing that people were talking about you and you didn’t know what they were saying. They could have been talking about so many different things. They could be mentioning the moment when Mason and I bonded. They could be talking about when I freaked out in the cafeteria. Or they could be talking about what I was wearing today. I didn’t know and it was driving me crazy.

            All the talking and the whispering were sounds piercing my ears, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I was stuck having to listen and see them talk about me and Mason.

            All the people that I’d thought were my friends weren’t speaking to me anymore, except for my roommate, but he didn’t count. I hated that even Dave had been too caught up in wanting to be popular to be my friend. I thought he and I were close. Apparently not.

            I kept moving towards my next class; Intermediate Level External Magic with Professor Lankston.  I entered the classroom and went to my seat.

            Professor Lankston was an older man with wrinkles and greying hair. He had African roots and spoke with a slight accent.

            “Okay, yesterday we talked about the many different types of external magic. Can anyone tell me about them?” A few hands went up. “Troy.”

            He stood up from his desk and began to talk. “There are seven different types of external magic. The first five are elemental, meaning that they come from the elements; Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Spirit. The other two are other beings and from nature, which is different from Earth. While Earth magic is given freely, nature magic is taken, much like taking from other beings.” He sat down.

            “Very good, Troy,” Professor Lankston praised, rolling his eyes. Troy was a know-it-all with his head always in a book. He always knew all the answers, got A’s on all the tests and was great at using his magic.

            “Now, let me demonstrate taking magic from nature.” Professor Lankston moved next to the plant that was on his desk. It was a thriving tomato plant and there were a few fruits starting to come out.

            He reached his hand out and the plant started to look its color, turning grey and dying, but only the top of the plant was harmed. The fruits and bottom of the plant was okay.

            He turned back to the class and a green orb appeared between his hands. “This is taking energy from nature. Earth users would not have caused the plant to lose the life energy that the plant did, because Earth is an ever flowing energy from the ground to every living being, but taking nature magic forcibly causes what you saw just now.

            “The only good thing about nature magic is that you can give as well as take. Let me show you.” He went back over to the plant and slowly the plant started to thrive again. The leaves and tip of the plant became green, and the fruits started to become ripe.

            I could tell that Professor Lankston was a little tired from giving the plant energy, because he was shaking afterwards. He breathed in and then he was fine. Professor Lankston was an air elemental witch like me.

            The bell chimed in my ear and the class started to pack up and leave. Many people practically ran out of the door. I didn’t blame them.

            I was on my way out, but I bumped into someone.

            “Watch where you’re going, idiot!” Jonathan ran out the door and left me on the floor. I picked up my backpack and Professor Lankston came over to me.

            “Are you okay, Jesse?” he asked kindly.

            “Yeah, I am.” I replied, nearly in tears. Everyone seemed to be out to get me today. Nothing was going right.

            “Well, I’m here if you need anything. Tutoring. Advice. Anything.” I nodded and left the room.

            I wanted to see Mason, but I didn’t know where he was. I was going to have to wait until sixth hour.

            I sighed and went on my way. Life sucks!


            When I walked into sixth hour, I could tell that Jesse wasn’t feeling okay. He was slumped over the lab station as Professor Dupré was setting something up. I walked over to them and I couldn’t stop staring at Jesse. He was cute with his head on the table and his arm over it.

            He was wearing a red jacket and his black hair was sticking out. I groaned as he turned his head to look at me with his big beautiful grey eyes. They were soft as they looked me over.

            I took the seat next to his and scooted over. I leaned down and whispered into his ear, “Are you okay?” He nodded. “No you’re not. You’re upset. What’s wrong?”

            He sat straight and looked at me. “Do you like me?” he asked nervously.

            “Yes. I do. I like you.” Where was he going with this? I was beginning to get nervous myself.

            “Prove it. Show me.” I was a little shocked at his abruptness, but I reached out and cupped his cheek. I guided him closer and pressed my lips to his. His eyes widened a little, but they closed and so did mine. His lips opened slightly and I met him halfway.

            Kissing him was like a breath of fresh air, even though I was holding mine. He was my  drug, everything that I needed in the world. I knew that, but even though I was happy kissing him and being here in this moment with him, there was still a part of me that was a little reluctant to truly accept this as my reality.

            We kissed for a while longer before breaking apart. I looked into his grey eyes and smiled. In this moment, he was my everything and I had to protect him, even from my doubts. I pecked his lips a few times more and then held his gaze.

            He smiled at me shyly. His cheeks tinted red and I chuckled. He was so cute.

            “Well, now that you that both finished connecting, today’s activity is a little more difficult than the one that you both did yesterday.” Professor Dupré’s voice cut through and we both jumped. I’d forgotten that she was there.

            She moved from the other side of the lab table and stopped at the center of the room. She pushed the desks away, using her magic, and turned to face us.

            “What you will learn today is how to combine your energies to create storm magic. Jesse has already done a little of it during his cafeteria incident, but the difference between then and now is that you both are going to know how to control it better and have a distinct  purpose for it, instead of just being a powerful collection of magical energy.

            “Storm magic is one of the most powerful magical skills that people can use. Only one other bonded pair has ever been able to use storm magic; the Berrien Twins. They were the most powerful bonded pair that the world had ever seen, but there was one problem. They had to hid the fact that they loved each other from the world.

            “Gay love is fiercely accepted in the magical community, as you both know, but incest was and still is a debatable topic for some people. There aren’t many people who tolerate it.” Professor Dupré seemed to go into a trance as she spoke. She shook her head and gave us an odd look.

            “Actually, today I’ve decided to allow you two to leave early. Go. I have things to do now. I’ll teach you Storm Magic tomorrow. Have a nice day.” She turned and left to go into her office.

            That was weird.

            I turned to Jesse. He was cute with his dimples smiling at me. “Do you want to practice some magic with me in the library today?” I asked. My hand was aching to reach out to him.

            His smile grew. He nodded.

            We packed our things and left, on our way to the library. 

Jenkins Boarding School for Young Male Witches (BoyxBoy) [Book 1 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now