Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


            I heard talking. It was all around and I groaned as I put my arm over my head and listened. "Did you hear what happened? They just started screaming and passed out in the middle of class. It would be embarrassing, but Professor Jenkins told everyone what happened. Apparently, that Mason kid is extremely powerful and doesn't even know it. Very few people can bond someone to them. It's kinda hot, but can you blame his magical energy for tying that cute Jesse kid to him? They would look so good together." I couldn't take any more of their gossiping. I sat up and left the bedroom I'd been in.

            I looked around the main part of the nurse's office. I knew it was the nurse's office because of the big bold sigh that said Nurse's Office. There were chairs lined up against the wall. The nurse came out of another room and closed the door. If the nurse wasn't the one gossiping, who was?

            There was a giggle behind me and I turned back around to the room I'd been in and saw two ghosts there. I sighed. I hated ghosts; I understand that they didn't choose to be this way and that they were stranded, but couldn't just stop being so damn nosy. When I was still at home with my parents, there'd been a ghost and the dumbass kept telling my mom about everything. I couldn't even come out to my mom when I'd wanted to. The stupid ghost had told her before I could.

            Behind me the nurse spoke. "Mason. Good, you're awake. Now I can tell you about what you've done and what you must do to make sure you and he are healthy." She walked past me, shooed the ghosts away and I walked into the room. She told me to sit on the bed and I did. She remained standing.

            "Now, how to explain this...I know, let's start with what you've done. You are a powerful witch, and powerful witches have, what word can I use...soul mates, is the best term. You and Jesse, the boy you've bonded to, are two halves of the same coin, as people say. He's a Third-Year and was held back only for the internal magic course of his Fourth-Year education. It seems, as Professor Jenkins explained it to me, that he couldn't access his full potential without you, so basically you make him whole and he makes you whole. It's so romantic that I just want to cry." She did get a tear in her eyes, she wiped it away with a tissue.

            "So, I'm...bonded to him?" She nodded. "What does this mean for me?"

            "You'll have to take Jesse with you to Professor Jenkins and ask him. Only he's ever seen this sort of thing before." I nodded. One more thing that makes me a freak, I guess. What could it hurt? Little did I know...



            "Wake up." I opened my eyes and adjusted to the dim lighting. Mason stood over me. Somehow, to me, he seemed to go from cute to hot. There was something about him that just made me...feel. He looked good in the lighting. It gave his hair a soft glow and his face a gentleness that made me swoon internally. He looked like the knight in shining armor that I'd always dreamed would come for me.

            Seeing him was like a breath of fresh air filling my lungs. He was what I needed to survive. He was everything that was important to me. He was who and what I was living for.

            All these thoughts started filling my head and I was in a state of bliss. I wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment, but life was a painful game to play, so of course I was hurt when he started to talk and break everything about what I was feeling right now.

            "What you're feeling is not real. It's just a side effect from something that I did accidentally. The nurse told me to walk you to your dorm room, so get up and start walking, because we've been excused from the rest of the day." Even though I was hearing this, I couldn't believe it. How could something that felt so right be so bad?

            I shook my head of the thoughts that were roaming around in my head and got up off the bed. It was a little painful to know that this wasn't real, and that everything that I was feeling was just a fake thing. It was...disappointing to know that the way that you feel was nothing but a small and impersonal emotion that didn't mean anything, but why not enjoy it why it lasts.

            As I followed Mason to my dorm room, I took in the sight of him. I looked from his beautiful brown hair to the cute way that he walked with confidence. I also checked out his hot was very nice, okay amazing, but I felt a little guilty for thinking about him in a way that I wasn't sure that he would appreciate. I mean, I didn't know if he liked boys. Most of the guys in the school were gay or bisexual, but there was still a good percentage that was straight.

            When we finally arrived at my dorm, I became a little sad and disappointed. Why did this have to end so soon?

            "Do you want to come in for a while?" I asked timidly. He shook his head and turned around. "Wait!" He looked back at me. I took a chance. I pulled him into a hug. "Thanks for walking me back to my room." I could feel him reluctantly put his arms around my waist. It was nice to feel his body against mine. It was comforting for some reason. I felt calm.

            Slowly, a breeze surrounded us and I pulled back slightly. I looked into Mason's eyes and saw that they were a deep blue color. I could practically see the ocean in them. A mist of water soon joined the breeze. It was refreshing to feel all of magical energy become something to pure. I smiled and I could see the corners of Mason's lips turn up.

            Suddenly, Mason pulled away and all of the clean and cool energy dissipate and leave. He quickly turned and walked away.

            I heard the small chime in my ear calling for me to go to sixth hour, but I remembered Mason's words. I was excused from it. I decided to go to bed. 

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