Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


            Entering the Cafeteria, I could tell that the scene with Jesse was still fresh in people’s minds. There were the cliques that I’d seen before, the first time that I’d come in here, but this time the people were hushed and whispering to each other. Things were quiet; a little too quiet.

            I took a seat at an empty table near the entrance. It was cold, but the cold has never bothered me. For as long as I could remember, I’ve always loved the cold and the cold has always loved me. I’ve never gotten a cold or the flu, so it wasn’t a problem that I had to deal with.

            “Hi.” I looked up to see a boy standing there. He had blonde hair and a small smile plastered on his face. He looked like he didn’t want to be here, but he was being polite. The entire room was silent. There wasn’t a sound to be heard.

            “Hello?” I replied, curtly.

            “Um, I’m Luke and I’m also a water specialist,” he said in a small and timid voice. “I was wondering if you could help me with controlling my powers and learning how to use them.” A blush spread across his face and neck. He was nervous. Cute.

            Although he didn’t seem to be devious, I was a little suspicious of him. The only other person I could trust in this place was Jesse. I wasn’t too sure about how earnest he was about what he was asking of me.

            “Sure,” I said cautiously. “Meet me later at the library.” I finished the rest of my lunch and tossed the trash away, leaving Luke standing there.

            Why do I have a feeling that I was going to regret this?

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