Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


As I woke, I could tell that Matty had left the bed. His side was stone cold. He'd left me...AGAIN!! I can't believe this! He knows I like to cuddle with him in the morning!

I let out a breath and slid out of bed. I didn't know what to do now that we know who is the death affinity witch. I also didn't know what to do with two books of the death affinity. Light and dark.

Just thinking about them gave me the chills. I shivered, my body proving my point. These books contained the very real ability to manipulate the way that things happen and what will come after our passing.

To think that there were such powerful items in the world that could alter the fabric of reality...

Coming back from the vision, Mason and I stared into each other's eyes, both breathing hard from the climax and the strong vision. He collapsed on top of me, his body feeling cool against my burning skin. The contact felt nice.

His arms wrapped around my body, pressing my face against his smooth chest. I nuzzled him, feeling the afterglow of our affections moving together within our bodies. I could still feel him inside me, his hard shaft still pulsing inside me.

"Did you get the same vision? About the two books?" Mason asked me.

"Yes," I said, breathless. Mason shifted slightly, and the movement had his shaft moving inside me as well, causing him to press against that special bundle of nerves once again. I let out a sound that I was embarrassed about.

"Sorry," he grunted.

"No, I like the feeling of you in me," I said back.

He grinned at me.

"What do you think that this means for us? The tattoos on our arms and our bond."

"I don't know. All I know is that I feel closer to you than I ever have." And it was true. I could feel his heartbeat pulsing next to mine, as if his heart was in my chest too. I could feel his emotions, he was at peace with where we were and what'd we'd done. He really thought that we were ready for this, ready for all that came with being bonded and together.

"I love you, Jesse," he said, looking deeply into my eyes, and I could feel it. His pulse sped up after he said it.

"I love you too, Mason." I said back. I got a glimpse in my head. It was me, I was smiling and blushing. I was seeing myself in this moment. I could see what he was seeing, and what he was seeing was an adorable boy who he wanted to do more naughty things with.
When I slipped back into my own eyes, I took deep breaths, this feeling of absolute love was overwhelming, but it was everything that I'd always dreamed of.

"What do you think that we should do about this new information about the books?" Mason asked me.

"I think it might be time to confront him."
"What?!" He exclaimed. "You just told me yesterday that we shouldn't do it!" He wasn't upset, just frustrated.

"Yeah, but now that we're bonded, I think that we can take him. I could feel your magic and spirit before, but now, I feel it as though it were my own." To prove my point, I focused my powers, his blue and my grey magic melding together to create a cloud in the middle of the room. The cloud was much larger than the one in Professor Dupre's classroom, and came much more easily to me. It didn't require as much concentration as it did before. This magic was fluid, and powerful. Our magic, finally together and merged as one.

I could feel Mason's shock at the magic in the air and around us. He could feel that I was tapping into his magic, his power and spirit. He could feel how eager our magic was to be together and how it wanted to become the greatest force of nature it could be.

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