Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


The bell rang in my head, dismissing all of the students from the Potions and Brews class with Professor Pandey. She called after us, "Don't forget that tomorrow is the quiz to discover the way that witchhazel and thyme will react if we include other ingredients to the potion recipe!"

I walked out of the class, all the other students rushing past me, making sure not to touch me in any way. I let out a sigh, thinking about how depressing it is that no one really wants to talk to me since discovering my bond with Mason. Even people who I used to talk to seem to do their best to avoid me as much as possible.

Making my way to the cafeteria was easy, walking into the cafeteria was weird. Everyone started whispering and while they weren't looking at me it wasn't hard to figure out who they were talking about. I kept my head down and my eyes on the floor. I didn't want to look up and see their faces, or the judgment I would surely find in their eyes. I wouldn't be able to handle that, so I just hurried to the seat where Mason was sitting.

The feeling of him next to me was peaceful. I curled into his side, feeling his hard muscles bulging against me. I sighed and let my hand rest on his thigh.

"Did you hear what happened in the boys locker room?" Don, Mason's roommate, said. This peaked my interest.

"No, what?" Mason replied.

"Scott Lestor was found dead. He was in the shower room lying there with soap everywhere. The teachers can't figure out what happened. His parents were here this morning. His mom was a wreck." I was surprised, someone was dead, in the school. I didn't know who he was, but it still was scary to think that a student that attended the school was dead.

"Who's Scott Lester," Mason asked. 

"He was a Terminal that was on the football team. He was the quarterback. He was expected to get into the best magical university in the world. Such a shame." Don hung his head in sadness.

Max, my roommate, and my twin brother, James, sat down with us at the table. It'd been awhile since I'd seen James. After sitting down, the took one scooch over, separating themselves. I looked at them curiously.

"What's wrong James?" I asked.

"He's being an ass," James replied curtly.

"Am not," Max looked at me, "You know your brother. He's such a drama queen. All I asked was if he wanted to wear my sweater, and he got offended for no reason! Just because it was green!"

"You know I'm a fire affinity!" he shouted at Max, getting in his face. Max grabbed his face and pressed their lips together. Then tongue was involved and I started feeling queazy watching my brother make out with his boyfriend. I don't think I can see Max as just my roommate anymore. It was gross. I felt my gag reflex starting to kick in.

Finally after what felt like five hundred years, they pulled away. "That's what I love about you, James. You have the passion of a flame," he grunted out, panting.

"You love me?" my brother asked, softly.

"You know it. You're my everything." I felt a tear well up in my eye and allowed for it to drop.

"Hey! You're making me look bad!" Mason shouted at them. They both turned to look at him and started laughing. I giggled into his side too.

"What were y'all talking about?" my brother said with a voice eerily identical to mine.

"Scott Lestor." Don said.

"Did you hear that they're thinking he did it to himself on accident?" Max said.

"What?" Don said.

"Yeah, they said that there was evidence of air affinity magic, and their believe that he slipped and fell onto the tiled floor. They think that the impact on his head killed him instantly."

I looked at the table, why does this sound familiar?


Author's Note:

Duh, duh, duh! Stay tuned!! More excitement to come!


Stjthan/Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

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