Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


            I was waiting. Something is supposed to happen tonight, now, so I’m waiting, but nothing is happening. Mason was supposed to be doing something; he’s supposed to be here, but he’s not. Why can’t I stop thinking about him? Why is he the last thing on my mind since the beginning of the school year?

            All I can think about is the fact that his face was the first one that I noticed on orientation day and is the last thing I see in my head before I close my eyes to go to sleep. I’m frustrated and nothing is helping. I’ve tried drinking warm milk, pacing and trying to close my eyes to sleep, but nothing passes the time and nothing is happening.

            When is he going to show? He’s probably doing this on purpose, being late for the thing that he’s supposed to do. He’s probably toying with me right now, and I don’t care; I just want him to appear.

            I felt hands grip my wait. I turned and saw Max standing there. He was smiling.

            “Why are you still up? It’s very late and you’re keeping me up with all the noise you’re making. James is complaining that you keep making noise when we’re trying to have sex.” He was grinning. James is his boyfriend of one year; well tomorrow is their anniversary, then it will be one year. He is also my older brother; by four minutes. We look alike in some ways, but we are totally different. For example, he has tattoos and piercings like Max does, and I don’t. The only things we share are birthdays and facial features.

            There are people outside of the school who’ve confused us before coming here and him getting his tattoos and piercings, so I guess being identical twins means that we also share faces…well, not anymore.

            “I’ll try to keep it down.” He smiled kindly. Max was a good guy and I was happy when I found out that Max and James were together. They deserved each other. He nodded and left the room and shut the door.

            “Finally! I thought he’d never leave!” Mason’s voice appeared from behind me and I turned again. I saw him and, instantly, I pulled him into a hug. I felt his heat and I felt calm. He hugged me back. “Who’s James?”

            “My twin brother; I’ll tell you about him later, but right now just hold me.”

            “Okay.” He did…until he started moving us to my bed. His hands came to my waist and I looked into his eyes. The desire was nearly palpable. I felt like I was surrounded by his affection and his care for me. All I wanted to do was to give into him and his needs, but I also wanted to hold something back. I wanted everything to be special between us.

            His cool blue eyes changed from a calm special wave that washed the shore for me to a big swirling tsunami. His emotions were mixed and there was one thing that was clear about the way that he was feeling. He wanted to be with me in this moment, in my room and in my bed. I could feel all of his desire, but I could also feel how much he didn’t want to have sex with me tonight. He just wanted to hold me, feel how everything would feel one step at a time, and the first step for him was just being together.

            We slowly descended into the bed. The mattress was soft and welcoming. It was a twin, so it barely fit both of us. We had to be very close to make room. We lay down and I felt his radiating heat. He was so hot, and I curled into it. My back was against his chest, and I could feel every breath that he took. Being this close to him made me really think about everything that’s happened and how fast it happened.

            Just last week, I was thinking about how school was starting up again and how much homework I was going to have now that I was a Third-Year. The stress was a major part of why I was hoping that it would be longer before I would have to start the semester. Now, I’m here, in Mason’s arms, wondering how much more was going to happen before the other shoe dropped. Everything in my life that could have gone wrong had gone wrong.

            I didn’t want anything more to happen yet. I just wanted to feel everything that was happening now. I wanted to feel Mason’s arms around me. I wanted to feel his lips against my neck. And I wanted to hear his heartbeat. I wanted all of that, but everything was moving too fast.

            With everything moving so fast, I was getting scared. I could feel everything that I was scared to feel and I didn’t like it. I could feel my heart beating faster as I thought about how fast I was falling for Mason. I was scared that this wasn’t real and that this is a part of the bond. Everything that I was feeling, my affection and devotion to Mason, could all be fake and out in place to deceive me from my own thoughts and opinions.

            Being in this position was scary and I was scared that I was going through all of this alone. I didn’t want to feel this way, but it feels like I have to keep my guard up about everything so that I don’t get hurt again. I didn’t want to be hurt the way my parents did already.

            “Hey, what’s wrong? You’re shaking. Why are you upset?” Mason’s voice was like a splash of cold water. I woke up from whatever negative thoughts I’d had and took in everything that I was feeling in the moment.

            “Nothing. I just have some things running around in my head.”

            “Penny for your thoughts?”

            “I just—I don’t know if the things I’m feeling are real or not. How am I going to feel if the way I feel about you is just because of the bond that we have and not because I’m falling in love with you for who you are.”

            “Well, if we ever do find out, then we’ll deal with that then. For now, let’s just deal with what we have on our plates for now and worry about all of the other things later.”

            “Okay…I like you, Mason.” He looked down at me from over my shoulder and smiled.

            “I like you too, Jesse.” We both fell asleep there on my twin mattress. 

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