Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


            Time passed too quickly the next morning. I wasn't ready to wake up yet, but my alarm wouldn't let me sleep, so I got up. I did everything slowly, like usual, and took my time, but it was a little too slowly because I was late for first hour.

            I rushed into the classroom and Professor Jenkins waited for me to sit in my seat before starting. I looked to my right and saw Mason staring at me. I looked back at him. His cool blue eyes were like waves washing upon the shore. They were so cool that I got shivers down my spine. They were piercing, and it felt like they were seeing into my soul without a magical connection between us.

            I was so intensely focused on Mason's eyes that I didn't hear Professor Jenkins call my name until he slammed his hand on my desk. I jumped.

            "Jesse, you have a note from the Headmistress." He dropped it onto my desk. I looked down. In the Headmistress's handwriting, the note read, As of now, you have been placed into Professor Dupré's Independent Studies course. Your previous Professor has been notified.

            This was new.

            "What's it say?" Mason asked. I shivered hearing his voice because it was like I could feel water's cooling touch on my body. Something in me reacted, and instead of feeling cold, I felt calm, comforted. It was new, but I liked it.

            I handed the note to him. "That's my Independent Studies Professor. It looks like we have the same class now." I nodded and faced forward. His voice was having an effect on me today, and I didn't know if I liked it or now, but it seems that I have no choice but to be around him nearly all day.

            "Okay, today we are going to end class with what we've learned today. We are going to connect magical energies to create a sphere of light. Get with your partners and begin!" Professor Jenkins turned the lights off with a clap of his hands.

I turned to face Mason and took in the sight of him. He was handsome. He had the typical bad-boy good looks that people always dream about. He had the perfect brown hair that was styled the right way to look messy and clean at the same time, the cool blue eyes that seemed to change colors as his emotions did and the body that made me melt. His body was completely muscle, but he wasn't buff. He was the slender type guy with the amazing abs that stood out and the perfect body type. He was, all in all, the dream guy for me.

            I recalled, again, what I'd learned in this class the year before. I held out my hands and he took them. His hands were warm and encased mine. I looked up into his eyes. I visualized the ball of light. I visualized a yellow ball of light taking form and swirling in front of me. I pictured it glowing with illumination.

            Something was different than before. This time I didn't have to put too much energy into making it appear. Last year, I had to put every ounce of effort into making it happen, but this time, it just appeared. I could feel my magical energy mix with Mason's easily and the ball of light came to life; there was something wrong with it though. It was a grey-blue color that no one else had. It was stable and glowing, illuminating the dark room. Our ball of light was the brightest and was illuminating the entire room.

            I could hear whispers of "Wow" and "Whoa" all throughout the room, but then Mason's eyes called out to me, and, for some reason, I listened. His blue eyes were radiant and matched the blue-grey color that our light ball had. It was beautiful and I couldn't look away. There was only this moment, right now, and I didn't care about anything else.

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