Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


The night was thick with a dense fog. I could hardly see anything. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, but I wasn't scared. I knew he was here somewhere; I just had to find him.

"Justice! Where are you?" I kept walking, putting one foot in front of the other, hoping I was going in the right direction. I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I know I didn't do anything extreme, but I knew that he was feeling bad about questioning my feeling for him. He can't be that oblivious to me...can he? He should have known that I'd been lusting after him since before we became bonded.

I would look at him all the time, and not brotherly ones either. I would find any excuse just to touch him, and I would do my best to be around him as much as I can. Did he really not know how I felt about him since before coming to Jenkins. All the girls in the school tease me about how I look at him. He should have realized how much I love him!

It was difficult, living with him, sharing a bedroom--sometimes a bed--at night, and always feeling his presence knowing that he won't every be able to reciprocate them. I had to take every moment that we had together and treasure it for the precious commodity that it was. I couldn't get enough of him. I always had to feel him in any way that I could.

When it became too dense for me to even think about looking around for him, I stopped in my place. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cold biting air filling my lungs. The moisture in the fog answered me, responding to my energy. Find Justice, I sent out with my powers.

I could feel the water in the air, spreading out, looking, searching for the boy in my mind. They boy with the same face as me, but different in every other way. His brunette hair, slightly over his right eye; eyes that are a beautiful grey--a stark contrast to my blue--that hits my heart every time he looks at me. His smile is so radiant that it looks as though it can chase all the darkness that I've ever felt away, if only for a moment in time.

The water stretched away from me in pursuit of the radiant boy in my thoughts. The more I pictured him in my mind--the more vivid my vision of him was--the faster the water stretched, searching every nook and crannie for my bonded lover. His presence was what I was craving, and I had to fix things.

Soon, my element found him. He was curled up in a cave, our cave. The cave that we'd discovered in the woods, our sacred place to be alone. Even though all the other students knew that we were bonded, they didn't understand to what extent that we were connected. We were each other's world, each other's everything. 

If he was sad, I felt it as if I were in pain. If he was happy, I felt it like a burst of energy from the radiant sun. If he was worried, I felt it like a tornado spiraling around my chest. Every single thing that he was feeling, I knew it, and it made us all the more special. He was everything I needed and would ever need in my life. Being with him made me whole, and the possibility of losing him is too painful a thought, I couldn't bear it.

Seeing him, cowering away, hiding from the world caused me pain, pain that radiated from the tip of my head all the way down my body. My whole body ached to be with him. Guide me to him, I instructed.

The air moved me through the dense fog, step by step. As I moved closer and closer to him, I could feel his soul, reaching out for mine, despite his best efforts to keep me at arm's length, and I wanted to find him--make us whole again.

I know that I messed this up. I should have fought. He's a different person than me, and I have to understand that he has a different set of needs than me. My body aches to be with his, feel him in my arms with our legs tangled in the sheets, feeling each other's bodies.

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