Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three


With our bond now firmly in place, I felt when there was something wrong. I felt Jesse's pain, I could feel that he was surprised by something and that he need my help. It was lunch time still, so I booked it to where Jesse was supposed to be after class.

Going down the halls, I could only hope that I made it there on time. I called for water, my element, asking for it to guide me to my bonded. I needed to get to him.

I checked his classroom for Potions and Brews first, but he wasn't there. I began to panic, but I reached out for my magic. I touched the tattoo on my right shoulder and immediately felt Jesse's magic respond to my touch. It led me to another classroom where Jesse was on the floor and another guy was hovering over him.

I barged into the room, our combined storm magic at my fingertips. I could feel the magic responding to my emotions. The air around me became electrified, I could practically see the lightning. The guy looked scared, he could feel how palpable the magic was and the damage I could do to him.

"What did you do to him?!" I shouted at him.

"N-Nothing!" he whimpered back. "I was just telling him what kind of witch I was, and then he started just spacing out. He just fainted. I didn't do anything!" He had his hands raised. I knew that he was telling me the truth, this was how I got when I was seeing a vision too.

"Help me," I said. I released the magic, feeling the air around me start to lighten again. "Pick up his feel, I'll get his head. We're taking him to my dorm."

Thantos, or the guy whom I assume is Thantos, picked up his feet and helped me with Jesse's body. We carried him through the hallways. The bell signifying that lunchtime was over rang in my head. As people passed us, they gave us weird and confused looks. They looked like they wanted to do something, but they were also scared of us, of what we could do.

We made it back to my dorm. I unlocked the door and we carried him to my room. We laid him on the bed, he looked like he was comfortable. He reached for one of my pillows, took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh before falling back asleep. I chuckled a little. He really was super adorable, and he was mine. Forever.

I turned back to the unknown guy, his black hair super short and his big eyes cowering. He was afraid...of me.

"What were you telling him?" I asked.

"I-I'm a Light Death affinity. Not many people know this, but there are more than one types of death affinities. Light allows for its witches to help souls cope with transitioning to the other side as well as helping loved ones communicate with one another. We also are the symbols of rebirth, a new beginning. When one soul moves on, another one is brought back to this world, but into a new body to experience life in a different way."

"What about dark? What do they do?"

"T-they are the keepers." His voice became soft, nearly a whisper.

"What does that mean?"

"The keepers are those that are responsible for collecting the souls, moving them from the physical bodies that they inhabit and pulling them into the spirit world. They also are the tricksters. It is in their nature to manipulate things, change the perception of what things are. As a whole, they have one ultimate goal, to destroy all great powers.

"Dark death affinities are narcissistic. They believe that they are, or should be, the ultimate powers of the world. If they sense a great power coming to take their place, they will do anything they can to smite them out of existence."

"How can we fight back?"

"You have to use both book, they are two different entities with different personalities. They only let the appropriate person see their pages, but there is a spell in both books that, when combined, will strip the dark death affinity witch of their power. I do have to warn you. This isn't any ordinary spell, a spell with this magnitude requires so much power that it can either deplete your energy for a long time or it can lead to both of your deaths because this will require both of you to accomplish this."

I nodded. "Thank you." He nodded back and left the room.

As the door opened, I heard Don's voice saying, "Who are you, cutie?" I shook my head and closed the door. It looks like Don has a new play thing. 


Author's Note: 

I know, I know. It's short, but this is an integral chapter to seeing how the story will end. Can't wait for everyone to be caught up to what has already played out in my head. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this story and for being so interested in finding out Jesse's and Mason's story. 

Many people have been asking me if there will be a book 2 or a sequal....I don't know yet. It depends on a lot of different factors that are in play right now. After finishing this story, I want to start working on "The American Dream" and finishing that story as well. So, to conclude this question, as of now there is no book 2 in the works, but that may change in the next couple of months. 


Stjthan/Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

My Instagram handle is: the_purple_queen_writes

P.S. Dedication to MayMercy (Alexsis), because I've put her through hell trying to finish writing this story and I'd been taking out all my frustration on her. Love you lots girl!! 

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