Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


    Watching the scene take place in front of me was unnerving. It was scary to see him walking around the clearing, chanting. He seemed to be preparing for something huge. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

    Sitting here, observing all that he'd been doing for the last few minutes was like torture. I couldn't stand it anymore. It was only getting worse the longer that we let this perpetuate. The things around him were all such precious materials, things that only those of the highest levels of magic had access to. How did he get them?

    "Earth!" he shouted. I felt the Earth's power respond to his call. "The force of unparalleled nature, aid me!" He moved clockwise, stopping in the east. "Air! The strength of tornadoes, aid me!" I felt my element respond to his plea. He continued moving, stopping in the south. "Fire! The blazing inferno, aid me!" I felt fire respond to his shout. He moved to the west. "Water! The power of tsunamis, aid me!" Water responded to his call, affecting Jesse next to me.

    "It's almost done! Finally, after everything that I've been through to get this far. There's no way those two idiot twins will be able to stop me now! Before long, I will be the most powerful witch this world has ever seen." He was talking to himself. What a cheesy villain.

    Jesse placed the books in front of us, opening his to the page we needed. I flipped the pages of the Book of Light, turning to the page needed, To Bring Peace to Darkness.


    Jesse and I jumped back, flames were engulfing the bushes we were crouched behind.

    I looked up and saw him, Lorenzo. How was it that a guy who looked like he should be in middle school was so filled to the brim with evil?

    He had a smirk on his face. "I wouldn't have known you were hiding there if it weren't for the fact that the elements felt your presence."

    I was angry. After everything, killing other students with his powers, making it seem as though it were an accident, and now was calling on the powers of the Goddess for his own personal gain. It was too much to bear. This needed to end.

    "We're here to stop you. Once and for all!" Jesse shouted. He was passionate, his conviction overpowering the fear I could feel through the bond.

    "And how, pray tell, are you going to accomplish what your past lives couldn't?" What a douche!

    "For your information, we happen to be stronger than ever! Eat ass!" Jesse shouted back. This was new for me. I've never heard him like this before. He actually sounded super sexy.

    Jesse took my hand, squeezing it tight. I felt his power reaching for mine. I allowed for him to use my energy. I felt the power move from me to around me. The power became solid, clear but palpable. I knew if I reached out my hand, I would be able to touch it. I was amazed by his abilities to tap into our connection and implement his will.

    "That's impressive, but you will need something more than that to defeat me. I have the powers of the physical elements on my side!" He flicked his wrist and a giant fireball came at us, and was dissipated by the shield. He threw another one and another one, continuing until finally the shield collapsed and knocked us down to the ground. I fell on my ass, my head hitting the ground. I had pulled Jesse to me during the blast. His head was on mine.

    We jumped up as the next fireball was thrown in our direction. We needed to act fast. I called my element, and I felt Jesse call his. We combined our powers to create storm magic. We pulled them together, using a spell we'd learned from our past life. A hurricane formed before us, the fireballs being thrown at us were sucked into the hurricane until it started to glow with the flame.

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