Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


            Professor Dupré’s voice echoed in the classroom as she spoke. “Do you know who the most powerful bonded pair had been?” Mason and I shook our heads at the same time. “They were a pair of French brothers who’d fallen in love and needed their combined powers to make their point and to change the mind sets of the witches of their time. At first they were ordinary witches, but together they were extraordinary. They were the most powerful bonded pair, not because of the power that they possessed, but rather the passionate way that they used it.

            “They knew that there was a need for change, so they came together and made it happen. People hadn’t every seen a bonded pair before, so it was up to them to set the example for people to see that it was harmless. They also used their powers for other things, but today’s lesson is not about that.

            “Today, you will be working together so that you can become of one mind. This is absolutely important, because if you don’t have the same intentions, then you are both going to fail. I want you two to move the globe that is in my desk anywhere else in the room, but it cannot be within two feet of my desk. Okay? Now, hold hands and focus your energies to combine.”

            I turned to Mason, and the same effect to him I’d been having washed over me again. I melted and we connected instantly. There wasn’t anything else for me except for him and out magical energies coming together. I could feel everything jumping up from within our souls. Mine was probably the one that was the biggest trouble, because it was still in need of Mason’s touch to work. My magic was still a bit unstable from the cafeteria incident, so Mason had to put in a lot of the magical energy needed.

            Our minds came together again and I could feel everything that he was feeling in that moment. There was a feeling that fluttered inside me. I love you, whispered in my head, and I wasn’t the one who’d thought it. I could feel my cheeks reddening. I was blushing and it was okay.

            We melded our minds and came up with a single thought. Move! The globe on Professor Dupré’s desk shot off from her desk and flew across the room and landed on the floor of the other side of the room. It hit the file cabinet with a loud thud, breaking our connection and bringing us back to reality. The energy we’d just used was nearly palpable and I liked it.

            The feelings of being in the cafeteria came back and I was just glad that I could ignore it this time. There was no need for me to use it.

            “I have never seen such potential all my years. You two are extremely powerful. Maybe even as powerful as the Berrien Twins.” Berrien twins? Something about the name clicked inside me, but it went away.

            The air was calm and cold. There was a breeze in the air and I channeled it around me, summoning a fog to hide me. Matthew and I were going to meet here soon. I could feel the anxiety inside me build u. I was shaking with anticipation; the way I was feeling was what I’d been waiting for since he and I had been born. Matthew and I were twins and I’d fallen for him when I saw him playing football with his friends in the backyard.

            I still remember seeing him there, shirtless with the belt of flags around his waist. I was fifteen and I’d never had any experience with other people. I’d never been kissed, held, cuddled or made love to before. I wanted to experience everything that came with doing all of those things. I wanted to experience romance, and when I saw him running around, I felt my heart start to race and my palms get sweaty. I was infatuated with him from that moment, but I was too scared to tell him.

            I couldn’t tell him. For the next two years I couldn’t tell him that I loved him. There were so many things that were going on at the time. First, no one would accept me being gay at that time. There wasn’t anyone that I could talk to about this kind of stuff when I was home. Second, he was my brother. I couldn’t do anything about how I felt because I was scared. I was scared that I would not only lose my brother, but also my best friend. He was the only one that could tell something was wrong with me, but I refused to tell him.

            It was then that his and my powers came into completion and we became bonded. At first we were scared of what that meant, but then after coming to Jenkins Boarding School, we learned that we were meant to be together and that we could be together. I was happy.

            The air changed and the water started to solidify. It brought me back from the happy times and made me concentrate, because I knew that it was him. It was Matthew coming to meet me. Only he was able to control water as well as I could control air. We were the perfect match, but we weren’t the only ones. There was one other bonded pair at the school, and they were evil.

            My thoughts came to focus on one thing, Matthew. He was here. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed. It was as passionate as it always was. He was my guy and I loved him.

            I pulled back and looked at him for the first time this night. MASON!

            I woke with a gasp. I couldn’t breathe well. I was hyperventilating. Eventually I calmed down and looked around. I was in my room. There was no one else there. Just me.

            I thought about the dream I had. Mason’s face haunted me, because there was something familiar about him, not just because he was Mason, but because I knew that he was also Matthew.

            I couldn’t stay up any longer. Sleep was calling for me again. I laid my head on my pillow and went back to sleep. 

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