Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four


Waking up, the lights above were nearly blinding. It was too much for my eyesight. I threw my arm over my head, my hand landing on soft fur. I don't have a dog, I thought. My eyes opened and looked down to see an arm wrapped around my waist.

I knew this arm, it was Mason's. I snuggled back into his body, and he adjusted to allow me to fit perfectly with him. His chin was on my head. It felt comforting to have his body close to mine. Feeling his warmth still did something to me, even with the last few months passing by as quickly a they have. I touched my tattoo, and I could feel his magic at my fingertips. It was my comfort to know that no matter what I would have him with me; his strength, his power, his presence, and his affection. Even with his body pressed against mine, I could feel his love pouring into me through the tattoo.

"Are you awake, Jesse?" he whispered carefully.

"Yeah," I whispered back.

"Why didn't you say anything then?"

"I didn't want to disturb this moment." He chuckled, the vibrations going through him and reaching mine.

This moment was precious. The feeling of comfort mixed with life-long attachment came the feeling of security and always knowing that there was always someone who loved you.

Suddenly, I got a flashback to the vision I had. "Mason, I need to tell you about the books."

"I know about them. When I sensed that you were in danger, I came to help you. When I got there, you'd passed out after having a vision. Thantos and I carried you here to my room. He told me all about the books." Hearing his voice behind me as well as above my head was interesting, but a pleasant experience.

"We need to find both books. I'm going to look for the Book of Light, and you are going to find the Book of Darkness."

"Why do I need to find the Book of Darkness," I asked. This was confusing. "Is it because I'm not able to see the pages?"

He looked surprised. "How do you know that you won't be able to see it?"

"Well, assuming that I am the reincarnation of Justice and you are the reincarnation of Matthew, I won't be able to see the Book of Light and you won't be able to see the Book of Darkness." I shrugged in my spot.

"Hmm. That makes sense," he responded.

"How are we going to find it? It could be literally anywhere in the school."

"I'll ask Thantos, and we'll see where we go from there." I nodded. I had every hope in my head saying that this was going to work and fast. Hopefully before another student gets killed.


Author's Note:

I've been thinking. I really do want for there to be a book 2 or "sequel", but I am going to focus on finishing up 'The American Dream (B.F.F. Book 2)' first, and then I also have another story in the works. Unfortunately, the sequel for this story will have to wait until I finish writing the secret book . 

Sorry if this news is upsetting for you, but there is so much to do in so little time, and I have very little space in my head right now. 


Stjthan/Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

My Instagram handle is: the_purple_queen_writes

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