Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


Looking at Jesse, our eyes connected, his hair covering his right eye, made me smile with all my heart. His smile, in response to mine, was adorable. He was everything that I'd always wanted in a boyfriend since being sent here by my horrible parents.

Our hands were connected, feeling our energies mingling in between us. His grey aura spreading from his body, coming towards my blue aura. Both energies met in the middle, coming together to form a smoky mist between us. As the mist became more palpable, it formed a cloud.

Soon, the cloud began to thunder, and rain began to fall from the mini cloud between us. The water fell into the bucket beneath us. His smile meant the world to me, as well as his excitement that we were solidifying our abilities of storm magic.

Professor Dupré clapped her hands. "Well done. I'm so glad that you've mastered this! Especially since it's taken us three weeks, but nonetheless you've accomplished the daunting task of connecting your powers to each other's. You've created a rain cloud, one that can produce rain. Hopefully soon you will be able to do the same in the real world, taking on any aspect of nature that will come your way."

"Thank you, Professor Dupré." we both said at the same time.

As our hands separated the cloud dissipated. Even with the cloud gone, I could still feel Jesse's magical energy brushing up against mine, creating the sense of peace love that I'd always craved as a child.

My parents never really showed me affection. They were always distant, always putting their careers as senators at the Witches Council of Grifford. It was always, "There's something pressing that we need to attend to," and "We don't have time to engage you all your shenanigans. You need to be better and do better."

Always hearing that, hearing that I was never good enough or as good as my brother, I figured that there was no point in continuing to try. I was never going to be good enough for them to approve of me or anything that I feel is valuable. They always put their interests before mine. I wasn't special enough for them to care about me or what I need from them.

Now that I'm here, I can see that I was meant to meet Jesse. He's everything that I need and want, and I want this feeling to last forever. I want to be with him forever. I want for this to become my future. I could envision him walking towards me at the end of a really long aisle, looking handsome in his tuxedo, holding a bouquet of flowers. The tulips matching his suit making him look all the more sexy.
"Good job with this amazing feat that you've both accomplished. You both may now go. Early dismissal, go practice on your own time." She waved us away and moved towards the exit of the classroom and left us alone.

As soon as she left, Jesse and I started kissing. Having his lips pressed against mine made me feel tingly all over. His arms around my neck made me grab hold of his butt. Each round globe barely fitting in my palms. I pulled him up, him wrapping his legs around my waist.

I moved us backwards, my back pressing against the countertop of the lab table. The feeling of his lips pressing against mine, and his tongue brushing against mine. The air around us began to swirl around is, and the water in the air was moving too. It was cool compared to the heat I was feeling with his body pressed against mine.

I could feel that we were getting carried away, so I pulled my head back, looking into his eyes. We were both out of breath. He tried to kiss me again, but I turned my head, his kiss landing on my cheek.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing," I said back, "I just think that we're getting too hot and heavy for right now." He bit his lip and nodded.

Jenkins Boarding School for Young Male Witches (BoyxBoy) [Book 1 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now