Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


            Jesse and I rushed into the classroom as the tardy bell chimed. Professor Dupré was waiting for us and we took our seats at the lab station. Being around Jesse, feeling him next to me made me feel calm and relaxed. There was still something about him that I couldn’t put my finger on. All I knew was that I constantly wanted to be touching him, feeling his nearness and keeping him safe. There was nothing more important to me, in this moment, than being close to him.

            He yawned and I watched the cute little sound that he made. I stared at him and he turned to look at me. He blushed. He was so cute. There was nothing cuter, in this moment, than the way that he looked. He looked down and his semi-long hair covered his face, but I could see the small smile that he was hiding.

            I reached out and held his hand in mine. It was warm and his exposed neck reddened more. He was so cute.

            “Okay, from what I heard about the incident, you two have a problem, not with tapping into your powers, but rather controlling them. So, today we are going to focus on letting all of your powers run wild and then learning how to pull it back into the box that you let them go from. Okay? So, you two hold hands and concentrate of letting all of your powers go.”

            I turned to face Jesse. Even now, as I’m trying to concentrate, all I can think about is him and how cute he looks, and how much I just wanted to roll around in a bed with him. I tried to focus, but his eyes pulled me in and I became captivated, until Professor Dupré intervened and pulled our attention back from each other.

            “Okay,” she said in a sigh, “It seems that we need to approach this another way. You need to hold each other’s hands while closing your eyes. That seems to be a trigger for you two.” We turned towards each other with our eyes closed and held hands. I focused on reaching out my magical energy to his. We connected. Our souls connected and we were one. I could feel all of his emotions and he could feel mine. There was nothing between us except for our physical anchors to the mundane world.

            “Now, release all of your magic into the room, but no further than that.”

            I focused and pictured it flowing from our combined magical energies into the space of the classroom. It was working. The air began to fill with magical energy. There was so much that I could breathe it in and out of my lungs. I could feel it everywhere and I liked it.

            I felt like I could reach out and touch in with my hands, and I wanted to, except Jesse’s hands felt warm in mine. They were soft, slender and small, a contrast to my big and burly ones. It felt nice to feel him on a physical level and a magical level.

            “Good, now pull it all back in. Think of it as pulling all of the magical energy back into a box inside of you.” I pictured it; streams of magic flowing in the air, going into a box, becoming less palpable. It was good to feel the air free of magic. It was a good feeling, having all of the magic around, but it just seems to add a lot of weight into it.

            “Good, good! You both did good! Now, tonight’s homework is to connect from your dorm respective dorms. I know that Mason here has mastered astral projection, but you need to learn how to do it too, Jesse. You’ll never know when it’ll come in handy!”

            The end of sixth hour chimed in my ear and Professor Dupré dismissed us. As Jesse picked up his things and walked away, I grabbed his elbow.

            “Can I walk you to your dorm again?” He looked up at me and his eyes widened. He nodded.

            I held his hand in mine and we walked. There were no words as we passed the other people walking in the hallways. I ignored the stares that we were getting and let myself enjoy the way that his hand felt in mine. My palms were getting sweaty, but it felt good to hold his hand, relaxing.

            We arrived at his dorm too soon. I wished that we had more time, but we were here and there was no more time with him. He tried to let go of my hand to open the door, but I didn’t let go. He looked up at me. I pictured the door opening, and it did. He let out a little gasp. He smile and blushed.

            I pinched his chin lightly and made him look at me. I looked into his silver grey eyes. They looked so soft and loving, but then his lips drew me in. They were intoxicating and I knew what I wanted to do. I closed my eyes and slowly pressed my lips to his and he melted and parted his lips. I took my chance and slowly touched my tongue to his. He moaned as the kissed deepened and so did I. I kept kissing him until I heard someone clear their throat. We broke apart.

            I looked up to see a guy with tattoos and piercings everywhere. He leaned against the doorframe. “Are you guys going to finish soon, because I need to go to the library.” We moved so that he could pass through.

            “That was my roommate, Max. He’s nice once you get to know him.” Jesse’s voice was cute. I peck his lips before I left.

            “See you tonight,” I called behind me. Best first kiss ever!

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