Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Professor Dupré spoke to us, her words barely breaching our cone of concentration. Me and Mason combining our powers following her directions of how to access the school's magical energy.

"The school is an entity that is living and breathing just as we do, and as such it has a magical energy that we can draw from. Think of every wall as a chamber of its heart. Every chamber having a different magical essence and purpose to make the school a thriving structure.

"You both have the ability to tap into that magical essence, but you have to work together. Concentrate on merging your energies into one and combining your magical strength to becoming a powerful force of energy, flowing where you want it."

I could feel Mason's powers reaching to mine, and mine reaching for his. Our energies met, colliding with the force of a tsunami crashing against land as hard as it can. The feeling of our powers merging was intense, filling every cell in my body with his power and his entire being. I could see our magical auras, something that only we as a bonded pair seemed to be able to do. This was something that was unique to us, and I loved it. I was seeing his blue energy mixing and swirling with mine, becoming a single entity for us to use together.

I could feel the strength of our magic. Combined we could be an unstoppable force, we could do anything that we wished. We could make changes happen in the world. Nothing could stop us if they tried.

"Okay, now use that power that you've combined and aim it towards the energy that flows through the school. You will have access to the entire school and be able to discover things about yourselves in the process. The school will show you anything that you will need, except for answers to a test. That you need to discover the old fashioned way."

Looking into Mason's eyes, I could see that we were on the same page, we both had the same idea. We focused the magic at the wall, searching for a magical vein for us to tap into. As soon as we found one, we inserted our powers like injecting a shot into a vein. We could feel our magic mingling with that of the school's. It was like a shot of adrenaline had made its way into our system.

Soon, my vision shifted. I couldn't see Mason anymore, instead I was looking at a very red wall to a room that was painted all red. This room felt different than any room I'd been in. It pulsed with power, power far greater than I'd ever experienced before.

"What do you wish to uncover? Take care with what question you ask me for I will only answer only an important one before sending you on your way." The voice was large and ominous. It didn't seem to fit with any specific gender. I could only imagine that this was the school that was speaking to me though my and Mason's magical injection.

I thought about the question I was going to ask. What did I want to know? There were so many questions that were floating through my mind, making my brain hurt. I was curious about many different things. I wanted to know why me and Mason were bonded. I wanted to know what he keeps stopping us from having sex to solidify the bond between us. I wanted to know if I was ready for us to solidify our bond. I also wanted to know what it was that made me and him so special, what was our purpose.

The question I asked was, "What are the abilities of a witch with an affinity for Death?" This is the question that will solve many, many questions that Mason and I have about what's been going on in the school. Another student had been discovered.

The Professors and the Headmistress had made an announcement to the entire school that the traces of air powers that had been discovered with Scott's death was that of his own. His powers had gone haywire and he became victim to his own magical strength. His own air magic had sucked all the oxygen from the room, including his own air supply, leaving him gasping for breath. He'd slipped and broken his skull on the corner of a wall.

Along with the news of the results of the investigation that was apparently done of Scott's death, the Headmistress had also announced that there's also been another death with similar evidence on the scene. There'd been rumors amongst the students that there was also signs of air affinity powers at work there and that he'd also had his breath stolen from him.

"Death affinity people have the ability to commune with the dearly departed, helping souls cross over to the other side as well as helping them cope with the concept of being deceased. They can also impersonate any specialty powers, for example being able to make water move at their will. Although they can do this, they are also limited. This type of magic takes a tole on their body, they will begin to show signs on their body cephalocaudally. They will show signs of advanced aging, eventually leading to their own death.

"Fare thee well on thy journey." The room said before my vision became blurred. Slowly but surely my sight came back to me with every blink of my eyes. I could begin to see Mason's features as my vision finally went back to normal.

"Are you okay?" asked Mason. 

I nodded. "I'm fine."

"You've been staring into space for the last forty-five minutes. We were beginning to worry about you." Professor Dupré said. Her voice came from behind me and I jumped, not expecting to hear her. "I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No problem, Professor. I'm just thankful that you helped us. We weren't sure how you would react to our asking about Death affinities."

"I was concerned myself. Before you came to me, I'd been considering the possibility of the deaths in the school being another death affinity student. There hadn't been a student with Death affinity since the Berrien Twins." She seemed concerned, as though she'd been plagued with horrible nightmarish memories.

"Professor?" I called to her.

She flinched. "I-I think that will be all for today's lessons. You've mastered calling to the school's powers for assistance, and now you may leave. Class dismissed." She waved us away and I felt her magic push both me and Mason out of the classroom.

The door slammed behind us, and we both turned to each other. "That was weird," said Mason. I nodded in agreement.


Mason looked me in the eyes as we stood in his room, the energy radiating off him being calm as well as full of desire for me. I wanted to act on it, but we already had discussed that we were not ready for that step in our relationship.

"Let's focus again. Just do what we did in the classroom. We need to know who it is that we're going up against. People are dying."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel my pulse going even, my powers mixing with Mason's. His blue mixed with my grey to create the same tsunami that crashed over me again.

I ended up in the red room again hoping it would answer another question. Luckily it did, but this time when the voice asked me what I wanted to uncover, this time I replied, "Who in the school has Death affinity?"

The room started to swirl and shift into something else, altering my vision. It was crazy seeing how something so stable could become something so trippy. Slowly my vision came back, and I was staring at green walls signifying that this was an Earth affinity's room.

The door opened behind me. I turned startled and in walked who the room was trying to tell was the boy who had the death affinity. "Thantos?!" I exclaimed, but he didn't look at me because he couldn't see me.


Author's Note:


My Instagram handle is: thew_purple_queen_writes


Stjthan/Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

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