Chapter II

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Gawking isn't enough to describe how I look right now. He wasn't just gorgeous; he was Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous.

Ocean blue eyes that looked full of life yet so uncertain greeted me, and I drowned in them before I had the chance to breathe. His rich dark brown hair brought warmth and softness to his sharp features, the gush of wind making his strands move freely like autumn leaves dancing around in a forest.

I sucked in a sharp breath. Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous was a living work of art - every step he took flaunted his muscles under his tight sweater, showing off his tall, lean body, giving away his strength. I was stunned by how sinfully gorgeous he looked, his physique and facial features being something I'd never seen in my life. I'm not drooling, am I?

His perfect lips were set into a scowl, his impassive blue eyes giving nothing away. I wanted him to notice me so badly.

Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous must have some telepathic powers because he slowly turned his gaze towards me. The calmness in his ocean eyes turned into a storm, his scowl deepening as he immediately turned his gaze away from me. He walked back inside the house with an empty box from the garage, making me frown.

He left way too early for my liking.

I'm snapped out of my drooling trance when Clarice grabs my arm and makes me face her. Her brown eyes were glaring at me or at least trying to. She looked like a monkey throwing a tantrum. "Are you paying attention to what I'm saying, Em?" I blink at her. Was she talking to me while I was undressing Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous with my eyes?

"Why? What happened?" I stammer, my voice coming out higher than usual. I blame Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous for the distraction.

Clarice rolls her eyes. "Mom went back inside the car. She was mumbling something, and it sounded like she was singing a song to the statue." This gets my attention as I narrow my eyes at her. "How did she carry a three-foot statue back to the car? And did you see that black smoke?" Clarice sighs in frustration, tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear. "I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I'm going to talk to her since you're too busy visualizing a hundred ways to sin for that guy."

If I was drinking water, I would've choked at what Clarice just said. Where's the water when you need it?

I roll my eyes at Clarice and say, "It's not like that. I was going to ask those two boys about the statue." Clarice nods in understanding, "Okay, you do that. I need to keep an eye on mom." Clarice brushes past me and goes towards our car, and I sigh as mom's strange behaviour keeps replaying in my mind. Did I imagine her red eyes and pale face? Was it just me who saw the black smoke?

I frown, not knowing what to think of mom's behaviour and turn my gaze towards Mason and Ethan, who were arguing over something dumb. The crowd had mostly cleared from their driveway, so there was just another family and me standing a few feet away. I take advantage of this opportunity to talk to the two boys and walk up to their table.

Just then, Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous steps outside once again, stealing my breath away again. He walks over to Mason and Ethan, his impassive gaze fixed on me, studying me. I send him a closed-lipped smile as I unconsciously brush off the dust from my jeans and straighten my posture. "H-hi," I stammer.

Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous just grunts in response, taking me off guard. Wow, Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous is rude. He turns to Ethan, "It's getting late. Start cleaning up." His deep, honey-laid voice was like music to my ears.

Ethan ignores Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous and smiles, "Emma, that's our friend, Josh Price. Josh, this is Emma. Her mom bought the angel statue." Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous, who I now know as Josh, looks at me with an intensity in his blue eyes, his lips curling into a frown, almost as if he felt guilty for letting the statue go to my family.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now