Chapter XLVIII

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It was now Monday, and I managed to wake up extra early, hopping out of the comfort of my bed, feeling all giddy with excitement but nervous to see Josh again after our first kiss. Not to mention today, I was going to face my sister for the first time after her accident, and I didn't know what to expect.

I decide to do a quick workout before jumping in the shower. I wrap a towel around my small frame and slide into my ripped black jeans, black and white striped long-sleeved shirt and a tan infinity scarf.

As I was brushing out my hair, my phone burps a text from Josh, saying that he's going to pick me up in five minutes. My heart does a summersault, and I quickly fix my hair in front of my mirror, making sure I don't look like a zombie before I text him a quick reply.

The second I walk out of my bathroom, I see Malvada sitting on my study desk with its hands covering its face, looking completely harmless yet so terrifying.

That's the thing about Malvada; it chooses when it wants to play around and fuck with people's lives and when it wants to sit back and tour the whole house, surprising me in different rooms every few minutes.

Feeling the blood boil through my system, the adrenaline running through my veins, I stomp towards Malvada but pause in my tracks. I should take a picture of her for Henry, and for keeping her powers at bay for now.

I take my phone from my desk and quickly snap a picture of Malvada before shoving it in my bag, and I grab her before walking back to my bathroom. I raise my arms and throw her hard on the tiled floor, smashing her repeatedly until she breaks into pieces.

I just know it'll piece back together by the time I get back home. This isn't the first time I've tried this, but every attempt is just as unsuccessful as the previous one.

I shake my head, not wanting to look at the mess in my bathroom a second longer, so I grab my school bag from my bed and practically run down the stairs only to see dad dragging himself around the house.

He greets me with a tired smile, "Hey, princess."

I smile back at him. "Hey. When did you get back?"

"Almost two hours ago. Felt hungry before I hit the hay. I wanted to see you before you left."

Something warm tugs my heart. "How's mom?"

Dad shakes his head and chuckles. "Your mother shoved me out of the hospital. She can be a bit cranky in the mornings." My smile widens, feeling happy their relationship was slowly working out again.

Dad runs a tired hand through his hair. "Your mother and I spend most of our time with Claire, taking care of her and everything."

A part of my smile fades away; at least Clarice won't be missing me as much.

Dad places his hands on my shoulder and sighs. "Emma, we need you there. Claire needs you. I know your mother, and she misses you even though she won't admit it."

I nod. "I know, dad. I'll stop by after school with my friends."

Dad smiles in relief before asking me if I needed a ride for school. I shake my head and tell him Josh is picking me up today, to which he frowns, narrowing his dark eyes at me.

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry about me, okay?"

Dad nods, still looking at me skeptically before kissing the top of my head and telling me to be safe and text him when I reach school. I nod and hug him before he disappears up the stairs and into his room.

I pair my outfit with black ankle boots and grab my keys to lock the door behind me as I step outside. Water was dripping from the roof down to our porch, our driveway glistening with puddles of water.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now