Chapter XXIX

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Josh's usually stoic face filled with worry and concern, his blue eyes as calm as the ocean after a storm bore into my green ones. His thumb traced mindless patterns on the back of my hand, creating a calming sensation while his other hand rested on my face, gently stroking my cheek.

"You're doing great, Rose. Just keep breathing." His voice is so soft and comforting, it made my heart flutter.

I take a deep breath and find my voice. "Josh," I breathe. "You're here."

"Of course, I am. Are you okay?" He whispers and helps me stand up before wrapping his strong arms around my tiny frame, hugging me close to him.

I nod and wrap my arms around his waist as he rests his chin on top of my head. "A little better, thank you."

His arms tighten around me, but I slightly pull back to look at him. "How did you find me?"

"I was looking for you the second I got here, and then I heard you crying," He says, gently tucking a strand of copper hair behind my ear.

"You came looking for me?"

"I heard what happened to your sister. Gabby told me you ran off to find your dad, but I needed to see if you were okay." I manage to smile just a little before my lips pull down into a frown at the mention of Clarice.

"What happened to her?" He asks.

I take a shaky breath and begin to describe everything we saw and heard up to the point where I found out she's in a coma, trying my hardest not to break down in front of him again, but a single tear escapes anyway.

Josh frowns. "Why didn't you call me then? That's why I gave you my number. You didn't have to deal with this alone, Rose."

Feeling embarrassed, I quietly say, "I wasn't going to bother you every time the statue decided to fuck things up."

Josh rolls his eyes, "You're never a bother, Rose. I'm here for you. Always." He whispers, meaning every word.

The heat flushes my cheeks, a bright shade of red. "I'm here for you too."

Josh nods, his eyes swirling with understanding and knowing. "I know."

I take another deep breath, ignoring the effect he has on me and asks, "What were you doing at my house again?"

Josh sighs, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I had this strange feeling something was wrong, so I drove by to check on you again." He sends me a small smile at the last part.

This guy always made my heart flutter and pound erratically against my chest, every single beat screaming his name with joy.

Suddenly, he grows serious and asks me why I was crying like the way I was just now, and I know he didn't mean to be nosy. His handsome face was contorted into a concerned expression, his blue eyes staring at me patiently.

I bite my bottom lip in nervousness; should I tell him about my broken relationship with my mom and the horrible things she said to me all these years?

It was a sensitive topic for me, and I was afraid of whether he'd judge or blame me for how my mom treats me and for what happened with Clarice. Besides, it wouldn't be right to drag him into my personal mess.

I decided to tell him half of the truth. "I just couldn't face my sister's condition. She's been my best friend since the day I was born, so I guess the pent up emotions got to me after my mom told me about Claire being in a coma."

Josh nods his head in understanding, but his eyebrows draw together as if he sensed there's more to the story. "And you think it was all your fault for what happened to your sister?" He states more rather than asking.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now