Chapter XLIX

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Josh and I step out of his car and walk inside the building, ignoring the weird looks people were giving us. Whey they couldn't stop staring, Josh and I had no choice but to glare them down until they bowed their heads in shame, walking away from us.

We make our way to our first-period class, Biology, and find Gabby, Ethan and Mason standing outside the classroom, animatedly talking with each other. As if sensing our presence, Mason's gaze shifts from Gabby and Ethan to Josh and me.

Mason sends me a small smile as we approach the group before his eyes move from mine to Josh and cross his arms over his chest, his expression suddenly neutral.


"Hey," Josh says, and I catch myself from doing a double-take.

Mason and Josh are not clawing each other or arguing, and for some reason, that strikes as insanely odd to me. Gabby and Ethan look just as stunned as me.

"Did I wake up in a parallel universe, or did you guys just greet each other?" I blink at them.Josh rolls his eyes. "Mason came over last night a little after I got home from your place."

Ethan's eyes almost roll out of his head, and he clasps his hand over his mouth, gasping dramatically and points his index finger at Mason. "You went to steal his sweet stash, didn't you? No wonder you don't come over often! You love me that much, Mason?"

Mason rolls his eyes, choosing to ignore Ethan. He rubs the back of his neck with his hand sheepishly. "Yeah, I did go to his house, but before I get into that, I want to say I'm so sorry for the way I treated you Friday night. I fucked up horribly, and I feel so bad, but I couldn't bring myself to drive to your house and say all of this."

I sigh in relief, feeling glad that the awkward tension won't be a barrier between us anymore. "I know, it's okay. I want to put that in the past and be best friends again."

Mason nods and smiles at me." So, we're okay?"

"Of course. Now, tell me you didn't go to Josh's house to play 'Smack-a-thon' because that's a really violent game."

Mason chuckles. "No, I went there because of you."

I draw my eyebrows together in confusion. What is he talking about?

Gabby raises an eyebrow. "You went there because Emma wanted Josh's sweet stash?"

Mason glares at Gabby, who shrugs. "Ethan said it first."

This time, Josh turns to look at me and says, "Rose, we both felt horrible for being so caught up in our bitching at each other that we didn't think of you."

Mason nods. "We decided that we're going to put our fights and misunderstandings aside and try to work together."

Mason nods, suddenly getting uncomfortable. "All we want is to make shit easier for you."

"We're just going to put our fights aside and deal with our shit together for you."

Oh my god.

Can these two be sweeter?

My heart can't take it anymore. Two boys who mean a lot to me decided to put their misunderstandings aside and work together, for my sake, even though it's not going to be an easy ride for them.

My smile stretches from ear-to-ear. "That means so much to me, guys. Thank you."

I wrap my arms around Mason and hug him to me, and the uneasiness leaves his body. I pull back to smile at him, to which he mirrors, his brown eyes flickering with emotion and understanding.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now