Chapter XV

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The next two days pass by in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, it was Thursday, the day of Ethan's party. After school, Gabby drives me to my house, where Clarice helps the two of us pick an outfit and get ready. Since the party wasn't going to start until seven, Clarice decided to put some music on in my room as she rummaged through my closet, tossing the nice clothes she'd think me Gabby or I would wear.

Clarice and Gabby wanted me to make a striking, celebrity-like appearance at the party, which was why I was modelling half of my closet for them only to have them shake their heads in disappointment and practically shove me back inside my bathroom to try on more clothes.

After changing into at least thirty different outfits in fifteen minutes, I came out of the bathroom in a loose, high-waisted black and white striped skirt that ended a few inches above my knees topped with a white vestido crop top and red heels. I finished the look with some winged eyeliner, red lipstick, silver-studded earrings and a matching double-chain pendant necklace. Clarice and Gabby beam at me, the shock evident on their faces as they look up and down.

"Gorgeous bitch, spare me some guys, yeah?" A laugh bubbles from my throat at Gabby's words, and Clarice chuckles.

"She's right, Em," Clarice says with a smile. "The ice cream in the fridge is melting; that's how hot you look."

I grin at her and thank the girls before taking in Gabby's outfit. She was wearing a Lana cutout dress in white nude and white pumps. She finished her look with some eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and glossy lipstick, and dangly silver earrings.

"You look amazing." I smile at Gabby, who winks in response. "You're going to get every single guy in this town, Gabby, old or young." The two of us laugh.

"You both look great, now get out of here and get drunk!" Clarice opened my bedroom door and pointed her hand out, encouraging us to get our ass up and go. I grab my shiny clutch and phone, and Gabby takes her silver one before we scurry out my room and run down the stairs.

We hop in Clarice's car, and Gabby gives her Ethan's address. As she pulled out of our driveway, I checked the time on my phone; we were going to be ten minutes early for the party.


As Clarice pulls inside Ethan's neighbourhood, I take a moment to observe all the mansion-like houses. Most of them had three garages, and some of them were three-story and three-garage castles painted in a dark, modern colour. Clarice stops the car a few cars away from Ethan's mansion that was practically shaking with the loud music. Gabby and I get outside and close the door, waving Clarice a goodbye as she drives away.

We walk towards the mansion and notice many people crowded everywhere with beer bottles and cups in their hands. Some people were sensually making out, while others were either arguing or just having a great time. Gabby takes my hand and leads me through the open door and into the crowded house filled with drunk people, booze, and music. I move my body in rhythm to the song playing loudly through the house.

Gabby leads me to the enormous, modern kitchen that was thrice the size of my room and pours us both a couple of shots. We clash our glasses together before downing them in one go and holler in excitement. I suddenly remember that Ethan and Mason were nowhere to be seen in the house, so I ask Gabby over the music, "Hey, where are the boys?"

Gabby checks her phone when it burps a text before leaning in closer to me and shouts, "Basement! Ethan just messaged me. Let's go!" Gabby grabs my hand again and leads me through the house, introducing me to a couple of people she knows before we reach the basement staircase. Just then, as if sensing a familiar presence, my eyes swivel to my right across the hall, and I could swear I saw Josh talking to some girl, but he either disappeared behind the wall, or I imagined things.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now