Chapter XVI

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I shake my head, trying not to overanalyze what kind of warning he was sending me and turn to look at the boys with a small smile. "I'm sorry about that. He's kind of a protective friend." Liam and Alexio smile and say it's okay. Maybe these guys aren't so bad after all, considering their behaviour.

"We've never seen you at any Silverside parties. Are you new here?" Alexio asks.

"I moved here a month ago. In September," I say. Liam and Alexio exchange knowing smirks, and I start to feel uneasy under their intense gaze.

I send them an apologetic smile. "Listen, I'm not interested. I'm not looking for anything. I'm sorry." I turn around and walk towards the room Gabby and Mason disappeared in when I suddenly feel rough fingers wrap around my wrist.

An uneasy feeling going through my body as I try to wiggle out of Liam's grip. He just chuckles and tightens his fingers painfully around my wrist and spins me around to make me face him. "Don't touch me," I strictly say, but Alexio smirks at Liam, encouraging him to continue. What the


After squirming a little, Liam loosens his grip on me. I try to scurry away from them, feeling the need to get out of here as fast as possible, but Alexio blocks my path. The panic inside me is replaced with annoyance as I huff loudly and demand Alexio to move, but he just smiles deviously.

"What is wrong with you? Let me pass!" I say, trying to move around them, but they keep getting in front of me and block my path.

I feel my face flush a bright shade of red. "Then go pick on a girl your size and leave me the hell alone," I say bitterly, and the two boys just chuckle at me, clearly enjoying teasing a girl until she's ashamed and embarrassed.
"My friend will kick your ass if you don't let me go," I warned them, but my threat had no effect on either boy.

Liam reaches out and grabs me by the waist, shoving me into his chest. His disgusting hands trail down my back and grab my butt; I almost resist the urge to vomit all over his smug face. I pat my hands on his rock hard chest, trying to get out of his embrace, but he only looks down at me with amusement in his dark eyes and a nasty smirk. I hated the way he was looking at me as if he was going to eat me out.

"Tell you what: if you grab my cock and give me some good head, I'll let you be," Liam says smugly, and Alexio barks out a laugh from behind me. "Feel me up too, baby. Maybe we can do something else while we're at it."

I felt as if someone was suffocating me. I couldn't breathe or look at Liam without feeling the need to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, twice.

I roughly push him back and glare at him. "I don't bring tweezers to parties, assholes. Get out of my face!" I dryly growl at him, ignoring the several pairs of eyes on us as if they enjoyed seeing two guys harass a girl.

I start walking away from them, trying my hardest to remain calm by digging my nails into my palms in irritation. Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders from behind, and I'm shoved into a hard body, again. My breathing seemed to stutter in my lungs, the panic rising in my chest when I feel something hard poke my legs. I try to resist the man, but he tightens his grip, and his hands go around my stomach before they slowly trail up my chest.

The second I feel his hands graze my breasts, I grab his wrists and twist them before turning around on my heel and kicking Alexio in his groin. A few more people seem to notice a girl fighting back, and a crowd gathers around us, but I tune them out when Liam tries to reach for me. I grab his wrists and roughly shove him towards me, causing him to lose his balance and tip over, but I catch him and drive my knee up to his stomach and dig my elbows onto his back as he collapses onto the ground.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now