Chapter XXXIX

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Brunch was interesting, to say the least.

I wasn't feeling it, even after ordering my favourite dish and drink, but Gabby and Ethan were there to crack stupid jokes and divert my mind from all the drama, which did make me feel a little better.

It was almost 2 pm by the time we finished brunch, so we decided to activate our research plan by driving to the local library.

Clarice went there, and when she came back, she looked uneasy, meaning she must've found out something huge about Malvada, so the library must have some good books indicating further information.

We're walking towards the entrance when Ethan asks, "So, how are we going to do this?"Gabby suggests we split up before asking me what I think, and I snort. "I think we should stay close for the sake of Big-Baby-Ethan. His parents trust us to be responsible for him."

Gabby barks out a laugh, and I chuckle with her. Ethan rolls his eyes. "You guys dragged me into this, meaning you need my help. You know what that means?"

Gabby smirks, raising an amused eyebrow at him. "What? That you can keep us entertained with your stupidity?"

Ethan playfully slaps Gabby, who winces, and I laugh. Ethan shakes his head at Gabby, his green eyes glaring at her. "No, dumbass. It means I'm your intelligent company. Without me, you both would be stuck in here for who knows how long."

Gabby and I exchange a knowing look, letting Ethan have the last word as Gabby pushes open a heavy swing door, and we walk inside the massive, three-story library.

I was expecting spider webs weaving loosely around books and bookshelves, busted lamps and a littered carpet flooring with crevices in the walls, but this library was the opposite of dirty.

The library was redbrick from the exterior, almost Victorian, sitting at the top of a hill, it's rectangular windows looking over the entire town. Our boots clacked on top of the tiled chessboard flooring in the receptionist area where five or six people were sitting at those high tables, working.

A circular space stretched upwards on each floor so you could directly see the glass roof in a geometrical pattern that allowed natural sunlight inside the Victorian library.

"Any idea where the fuck we're even going, or do I need to use my brain since you two don't have one?" Ethan asks as we walk deeper inside the library and towards the quiet lounge surrounded by tall, mahogany bookshelves and a fireplace by the wall. A few dark sofas and study desks were neatly spread out in the area, occupied by some younger kids and a group of friends working on their laptops.

"E, we're headed to the folklore section on the second floor," Gabby deadpans.

"Good to know one of has a brain, at least."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, tired of Ethan's stupidness. "We talked about this in the car, E. Whoever the hell decided to give you brain is incredibly stupid."

Ethan rolls his eyes, and I cut him off before he could say something, "Roll your eyes even further, and you'll find a brain back there. Then again, you wouldn't know what to do with it." Gabby laughs, but clasps her hand over her mouth before a librarian not too far from us could kick us out.

Ethan scowls. "I was occupied on my phone doing something important."

Gabby raises an amused eyebrow. "You were watching Teletubbies, weren't you?"

A laugh bubbles my throat as Ethan grows embarrassed but stands his ground, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, so what? You weren't even talking for most of the ride, so what was I supposed to do, stare at your huge heads?"

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now