Chapter XXXVI

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Mom shuts her eyes and inhales slowly before exhaling. She lifts her fearful gaze, and we stiffen in our seats, looking at each other nervously.

"The voice said that it could hear everything we say in the house, down to the smallest details. It knew what we were talking about wherever we went like it had access to our minds or something. I fucking knew it was Malvada saying this. She reminded me how we all tried to get rid of her multiple times, which made her mad, so she plagued Emma and me with nightmares to punish us. Malvada said that if we dared to act smart or tried to get rid of her, then she'd kill my family, but Claire would be the first to die since she's figuring things out..." Mom's voice cracks at the last word, and she breaks into tears.

All I could hear is this ringing in my ears as I try to process whatever mom just told us, and I'm sure my friends are just as shocked.

"What does she want you to do?" I ask, my voice coming out a little high and shaky.

"We have to keep Malvada. Otherwise, she'd hurt us or maybe even you guys," Dad deadpans, pulling mom closer as she cried. Gabby handed her a box of tissues sitting on the table in front of us, and mom snatches two tissues, wiping her tears as gently as she could with her trembling hands.

"What the hell?" Josh and I say in unison. I'm beyond stunned, desperately trying to process everything with a sparked brain only to cause a short circuit.

Mom calms down a bit after a moment, wiping the excess tears away with the tissue in her hands. "The reason we couldn't admit that we believe you, Emma, and your sister, is because Malvada would've found out."

Knowing full well what mom is going to say next, I say, "It's because the more people know about Malvada and her intentions, the more damage she'll cause to people."

Mom and dad nod their heads at me, narrowing their eyes as if trying to figure out how I understood that so quickly.

"How do you know that?" Mason asks.

"If we're assuming Malvada's intention is to attack someone, and in this case that someone is me, then Malvada would think people are interfering in her business," I explain. Four pairs of eyes blink at me, trying to register the new information.

"Malvada will try to do anything in her power to leave outsiders out of her job until she's reached her goal." Dad clarifies.

Malvada has done things with my mom and sister, but it's pinning after me for some reason.This is what I've been afraid of admitting the entire time after I realized Malvada's capabilities, even though I knew my parents would say it sooner or later. It perfectly explains why mom and dad were pretending to be oblivious to everything Clarice, and I told them about Malvada.Admitting that you guys knew about Malvada would've hurt Emma or anyone else close to her," Josh voices my thoughts inexpressibly.

"Wait," Ethan says, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts and find the right words. "How do we know if anyone has interfered in Malvada's business as obstacles to slow her process of trying to kill Emma?"

Josh grits his teeth at the sound of this, clenching his jaw in anger as if the thought of something happening to me pained him.

I quietly say, "Clarice is the obstacle you're talking about." We all fall into a sudden silence and realize what this meant.

Gabby's eyes widen as she looks at me with realization. "Your sister found out everything about Malvada by doing her research, and that's probably the obstacle Ethan's talking about-"

"-which was why she was attacked by Malvada," I finish for Gabby, my voice low and grim as I look at my friends and parents. "We saw Malvada in the kitchen beside the pantry and-"

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now