Chapter VI

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English class was only an hour and fifteen minutes, but it felt like a decade had gone by. Our teacher was a petite Russian lady in her forties with glasses who looked all sweet and innocent from the outside, but in reality, she was Ms. I-Can't-Shut-My-Mouth. She went on about nothing in particular for the entire class, and the longer you listen to her, the more you can't understand. It was as if she spoke a whole new language that didn't exist in our world. Mason liked to call her the "Russian Psycho," but he told me he liked my nickname much better.

Turns out, Ms. I-Can't-Shut-My-Mouth was actually Mrs. Sokolov. I didn't care, though. Mason was right; Ms. I-Can't-Shut-My-Mouth sounded so much better.

As I walk outside of English class with Mason, he fidgets around, looking like he swallowed a bug. I ask him if he was okay, to which he replies, "How's the angel statue?"

His question takes me off guard, but I answer him nonetheless. "Um, it's good. My mom doesn't like that kind of stuff, but she bought it anyway, and now she's in love with it." I let out an awkward laugh, causing Mason to smile a little. We stop short in our path once we get out of the English department, and we turn to face each other.

"So, nothing strange happened?" Mason asked me, his voice almost hopeful. I narrow my eyes at him. Why was he asking me such weird questions? Why was he so concerned? Should I tell him what Clarice and I saw last night?

I bite my lip nervously and avoid his curious gaze. This gets Mason to take a step closer. "Emma, what happened?" He asks with concern laid in his thick voice.

I sigh, "Okay, it may sound unbelievable, but last night, my sister and I woke up to the sound of things crashing downstairs. When we went to see what it was, we saw that the angel statue had changed its position and was doing strange things with the lights. It's stupid, I'm sorry, I don't even know why I'm telling you-"

Mason interrupts me by placing his hands on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, but he was clenching his jaw, his facial expression grim. I nod at him, "Yeah, of course. It was probably just me, actually. I spent the entire weekend stressing and overthinking about the statue because it gave me weird vibes, so yeah. But why are you so worried about it?" Mason drops his hands from my shoulders, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with his hand as if he didn't know how to answer that question.

He was saved from answering when his phone buzzed from his pocket. He pulls it out and clicks around on his phone before breaking into a smile. "Ethan can't make it to Biology. He doesn't know you're in the same class. Otherwise, he wouldn't skip." Mason chuckles at me, and I laugh as he types away on his phone before tucking it back in his jean pocket.

"I told him you're in Biology. Don't be surprised if he suddenly comes." Mason smirks at me. "Anyways, I have Calculus next, so I should go. See you in Bio?"

I nod and smile at him. "See you in Bio." Mason winks at me before grinning, and he turns around to walk towards the staircase since the Math department was on the third floor of the building.

I think back on his strange questions about the angel statue and his reaction when I told him about last night. Did he know something that I didn't, or was I overthinking again?

I'm probably overthinking.

I shake off the strange feeling in my stomach and turn to the opposite side of the staircase and start walking before I realize I don't know where the fuck I'm going.


After wandering around the building for ten minutes, I decided to just sit down somewhere near the Science department on the third floor. I pull out my phone from my bag and open the messages from Clarice, who was asking me how my day was going before she goes on to talk about the number of hot guys at her campus. I snort out loud, shaking my head and smiling as I text her back and not realizing where I was going until I bump into someone, and my phone comes crashing to the ground.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now