Chapter XLIII

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It's Sunday evening, and I'm sitting in my room, shifting in my seat every five seconds, trying to find a comfortable position to stay put. With the top of my pen between my teeth, my notebook, textbook, pens and pencils are scattered around my laptop that currently has the seventy-ninth slide on display from last week's class. I was desperately trying to cram the study of living organisms and how their physical and chemical structures and mechanisms work.

With all the drama going on with Malvada, I barely made time to open my notebook anywhere outside of class. But here I was now, forcefully reading and memorizing absolute gibberish into my brain so I could be prepared for a stupid class discussion that would be held later this week.

James Bond, who? I was definitely Hydrogen Bond.

Or maybe spending nearly five hours coming up with the most cringe biology jokes and then suddenly remembering my stupid priorities got to my head.

Mom came home this morning to freshen up before she and dad went back to the hospital since dad stayed the night, but he would come back around midnight. Before they left, dad strolled inside my room, sat down in front of me on my bed and attempted to convince me to come with them.

I denied his offer over a million times, telling him that I just wasn't ready, but he didn't have it. No wonder Clarice is so stubborn.

Before dad could have said anything else, mom yelled from downstairs, telling him to just drop it and come with her. I ignored my mom and just smiled at dad, assuring him that I'd be fine on my own and practically shoved him out of my room, telling him to text me if anything happens.

Malvada hasn't bothered me for the past two nights beside the library incident, but that didn't mean I slept any good either. Ever since I got home last night, I used every opportunity I got to break her into pieces, feeling my body shake with anger. But in less than a few hours, she'd put herself back together, looking brand new, and would be in different places around the entire house like the fucking ghost she is. So, I made sure to lock my room and window last night, and dad promised me he wouldn't leave me alone at night.

I knew that wouldn't compare to her strength, but it was something.

As of now, I decided it would be a great time to take a break from doing literally nothing and coming up with lame jokes that took a shit ton of effort and thinking. My brain needs to recharge before I return to hell, also known as studying.

I grab my phone that was sitting on top of my English class novel and scroll through my social media, laughing and giggling at the ridiculous posts and videos before smiling when I see Gabby's new post. I immediately hit the comment bar on the bottom of the screen and spam her with a bunch of comments, half of them being me playfully insulting her while the others were me hyping Gabby for taking such model-like pictures.

Suddenly, I hear a soft knock at my front door, and I jump in my seat, my heart skipping a few beats. Who would it be at this hour?

Gabby doesn't even care to knock. She just messages me something along the lines of, "I know you're in there, you lazy ass. Open up, I ran out of coffee. I need coffee, or I'll die."

On the other hand, Ethan bangs my door obnoxiously loud, waking up the entire population of this town while Mason would just ring my doorbell a billion times, even after I open the door and glare him down.

Who could it be?

I get up from my chair and rush outside my room, running down the stairs quickly but quietly. I peep through the peephole once I reach the front door, and my breath hitches in my throat, my heart squeezing inside my chest.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now