Chapter XLIV

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I couldn't believe it.

I earned his trust, and I wanted to jump up and down in joy, but this wasn't the right time.

Josh swallows a breath, his beautiful smile falling into a frown, and I brace myself for his captivating story.

Josh starts, "It all started two years ago. The four of us were fifteen and my sister Penny was fourteen at the time. We were sort of struggling financially, and Penny took an interest in antique photography. She loved collecting antique things that had some history. She liked having her belongings have a cool story to tell." Josh chuckles, and I smile fondly. "We used to tease her about it. Mason would joke and call her Phoebe Buffay."

I chuckle at him. The way he talked about his sister showed how much he loved her.

"How did she look?" I couldn't help but ask.

Josh removes a hand placed on top of mine to pull out his phone from his jean pocket. He unlocks it before clicking around and scrolling through something before he passes his phone to me. I take the phone in my free hand that wasn't touching Josh and look at his female replica.

Penny could be mistaken for Josh's twin. Their faces are strikingly similar, from the same hair, the same eyes, the same good looks, to the same lips. Penny had more of a feminine look, but other than that, she looked exactly like her brother - breathtakingly gorgeous.

I pass his phone back to him and smile. "She looks just like you."

Josh ignores my absolutely true statement and takes a sip of his water. "Penny wanted some props to finish her antique photography collection. She had these huge folders with all sorts of pictures. But at that time, we were trying to figure out how to pay the bills since my dad's business was falling apart, and my mom got fired from her job, so affording Penny's equipment wasn't an option."

His voice turns sad at the memory. I couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for his parents to provide for their family, especially Penny, who was so passionate about photography. It tore Josh, knowing that he couldn't do anything to fulfill his sister's dreams. All Penny wanted to do was spread her talent, but their financial struggles held her back and made my heart ache.

I suddenly remember Mason mentioning Penny was his girlfriend before, so I ask, "Mason said he dated Penny. How did that happen?"

Josh pulls his warm hand away, making me instantly miss his touch. He runs a hand through his silky brown hair, shifting in his seat. "Mason had a crush on her for years. He never told anyone, but I saw it in his eyes. Still, that fucker thought that if he hooked around with other girls, Penny would get jealous and come running after him."

I purse my lips at hearing this. Yup, sounds like our cocky, egoistical Mason Geller who could literally charm the pants off any girl.

I didn't know Penny, but she wouldn't have gotten jealous over this if she was like the normal girls with brains.

"Penny wasn't that type of person, but I knew she liked him. If Mason could hook up and dump all these girls the day after, then he could do the same to my sister, and that drove me fucking crazy."

"Did either of them tell each other how they felt?"

Josh grits his teeth, nodding his head. "One day, it was like Mason had come to his senses, and fucking confessed to Penny."

He buries his face in his hands, resting his elbows on the countertop. "Rose, she looked so small when she told me. Despite knowing how I felt about it, she told me that she felt like Mason understood her more than anyone, more than me, her brother."

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now