Chapter LVIII

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"Behind you!" Mom shouts. Almost in slow motion, I snap my head around and come face-to-face with Malvada, her skinny arms on either side of her stone body.

Those empty eyes haunted me not only in my sleep but everywhere I went. She's harassed my family more times than I can count on my ten fingers, but today would be the last day she ever hurt any of us again.

"Give me the mirror." I stretch my hand, and Josh steps beside me, handing me the mirror. I take slow steps towards Malvada, feeling every beat of my heart erratically thump against my chest.

Don't blink. Blink, and you die.

I register different voices telling me to not go any further, but I tune them out, focusing on the evil piece of stone in front of me and the sound of my pulse throbbing in my ears.

My foot suddenly twists, and suddenly, I'm lying on the ground, and Malvada is on top of me, choking me with her cold fingers. My stomach churned over, and I feel sick for a brief moment before a sudden wave of memory washes over me.

My choking dream.

My eyes struggle to keep open as I let out ragged gasps for air, feeling my air apply slowly cut off as Malvada tightens her fingers around my throat, her razor-sharp teeth encouraging me to fight for my life, but it was useless.

That was until I couldn't hold it any longer, so I blinked.

Not once. Not twice. Three times.

"Get the mirror!" Mason growls.

I see what looked to be dad creeping behind Malvada, but she uses one hand and throws him against the backyard fence without a single touch while the other hand that was pressed around my throat slowly but painfully lifted me up into the air.

I open my mouth to scream, but a sick gurgle escapes instead. Darkness covers the corner of my eyes as they burn with emptiness and lungs ache in pain.

I was vaguely aware of what was happening around me, but I heard some yelling and ordering to "break her into pieces." Someone protested, but suddenly my body hit the ground, and I fell into my dad's arms.

I was able to breathe again.

Malvada was destroyed into pieces beside me, and standing a foot away was Josh with a sledgehammer. He made eye contact with Mason, who passed the mirror to my mom, and she got in front of me just in time Malvada put herself back together. I gape at the sight unfolding in front of me in shock.

Mom shoves the large mirror right in Malvada's face, and her sinister expression falls into a blank as she stares at her reflection. Mom was protecting me.

"Emma, get up!" Mom addresses me, but I blink at her, feeling my heart about to burst.

I snap out of my thoughts when Josh suddenly brings out his hand, gesturing for me to take it with a nod of his head. I nod back, and he helps me up before giving me the sledgehammer. My attention diverts to mom holding the mirror at Malvada, and the adrenaline floods my system, making my heartbeat accelerate, the blood in my gut diverting to my muscles.

I need to get rid of her once and for all.

I tighten my fingers around the sledgehammer, lifting it over my head before smashing Malvada over and over, feeling the sweat trickle down my temple. My blood was on fire, but I didn't care.

I didn't know how much I was breaking her into pieces until I felt a familiar, strong pair of arms pull me away, and I dropped the sledgehammer on the ground.


Gabby and Ethan knock at our door a few minutes later, and Mason goes with them to discard the remaining pieces of Malvada but separately, so she has no way of putting herself back together.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now