Chapter VIII

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My first week of senior year at Silverside High passes by pretty quickly, and I spent most of it hanging out with Mason, Gabby and Ethan. I even invited them over last Friday to study for our Biology test on Monday, and we spent the entire afternoon and evening cracking the most stupid jokes and laughing our asses off. I was glad my mom wasn't home during that time. Otherwise, things wouldn't have ended right, but my dad and sister were home. Gabby instantly got along with Clarice, and they talked like how mom would talk when she met some long-lost friend at a store.

As for Josh, he's been giving me the cold shoulder the entire week, not that we're best friends or a couple that I should find this behaviour odd. I do my best to avoid his gaze and not admire his sexy physique and gorgeous face, but sometimes, my traitorous eyes would wander off in his direction. Whether it was during lunch or a class, our eyes somehow found each other. I tried not to crack one of my goofy smiles or blush in front of him, but Josh simply tried his best to find new reasons to scowl or glare at me.

I thought about changing his name from Mr. Make-Me-Sin-Gorgeous to Mr. I-Am-The-One-And-Only-Grinch-And-Douchebag, but then I figured his original name didn't make me dislike him as much, and it gave me a reason to zone out in class.

The angel statue hasn't done anything weird or crazy since that night, except changing locations quite often. For the first few days, I thought Clarice was messing around with me until I confronted her about it. She told me she thought I was moving the statue to different places to freak her out, which wasn't true. Instead of freaking out like the last time, we figured it was our mom who couldn't decide a particular spot for the statue.

I didn't believe that entirely, and I still don't.

It was now Monday, and my dad dropped me off to school this morning on his way to meet his client. As I walk towards the school building's main doors, I smell cologne and a distinctive, alluring smell around me. I lifted my gaze only to find Josh walking in my direction, his eyes focused on his phone. He looked absolutely breathtaking in his fitted t-shirt and tight jeans. His brown hair swayed in the wind, giving his hair a ruffled hairstyle. I feel the cold air whistle in my hair, moving my copper strands all over my face. I resist the urge to roll my eyes from how cinematic this was.

I try to avoid walking in his path, but he seemed to be walking everywhere and anywhere, clearly not paying attention to his surroundings. I sigh and attempt to pull out my phone from my bag, trying not to appear as a stalker if he decides to suddenly use his telepathic powers and look at me.

As I dig into my bag trying to search for my phone, I collide with a wall of pure muscle and lose my balance, but I recover quickly.

Josh's phone falls to the ground along with my bag.  I mentally facepalm myself for not watching where I was going. I mutter to myself for my stupidity, but thanks to his elephant ears, he growls, "You're right about that. You are stupid."

For some strange reason, my heart does a summersault at his deep, honey-laced voice. It was an unforgettable voice that sinks you and wraps you up, vibrating with power and command. I felt like slapping myself for thinking about listening to Josh talk all day. We both bend down to retrieve our belongings, and I ignore the stupid butterflies in my stomach, clenching my teeth as I mumble an apology. My hand accidentally and gently grazes his soft, big one, and I almost roll my eyes again.

I cradle my hand to my chest and grab my school bag. I hear Josh mutter something under his breath before we both stand up and make eye contact. My heart starts racing a hundred miles per hour, the heat coating my cheeks a bright red.

His ocean eyes fill up with anger and irritation as they look me up and down. "You." He spat out with venom. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you fucking blind or stupid?"

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now