Chapter VII

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Our spare period passed by a little too quickly for my liking, but I was happy to know that I was sharing my next class with a very excited Gabby.

As we stroll into Biology class, I immediately spot Mason, who notices me and smiles. His smile transforms into an amused smirk when he sees who I was with. I plop down in the empty seat in front of Mason, and Gabby settles down beside me as she says, "Well, well, if it isn't the apple of my eye, Mason Geller." Mason grins at her, his brown eyes dancing with laughter. "Biology is going to be ten times fun with poking you every two seconds."

Gabby rolls her eyes, and I raise an amused eyebrow, a confused smile spreading across my face. "You two know each other?" Mason scoffs like I just told him the Earth was flat. "Of course. Gabe-" Mason rolls his eyes and clears his throat when he finds Gabby glaring at him. "Gabby is the sun to my shine."

Gabby shakes her head and narrows her hazel eyes at Mason, looking more fierce than ever. "Call me that again, and I'll definitely kick you where the sun doesn't shine, Mason." Mason lifts his arms, his palms facing Gabby as a surrender motion, all while grinning. Gabby's threats didn't seem to have any kind of effect on him, which must mean that they're probably long time friends who've gotten used to each other's bickering and insults.

"So, how long have you guys known each other for?" I ask, genuinely wanting to know. Mason tells me he's known Gabby ever since birth, but their parents go even further. Their parents have known each other since high school, so Mason and Gabby literally grew up together. 

"I'm literally familia with this idiota." Gabby grins at Mason, who mutters, "Likewise, Gabe." I chuckle at their childish bickering. It was so cute.

Gabby groaned at his use of the name she dearly hates. "Would you please stop calling me that?" Mason just shrugs, a small, mischievous smile playing on his lips, "You don't tell me what to do."

Gabby snorts at him. "Right, I don't. Becca, Tammy Taylor, Hannah, Zoe, and many other putas are entitled to strip your clothes to shreds and have the power to make you beg to get in their pants. Hombres como tú me disgustan." Gabby places her hand on her heart for a dramatic effect.

Mason just shakes his head at Gabby with a smile. And cocky Mason is back at it. "Guys like us are charming, Gabe, not disgusting. You're just jealous of all the attention I'm getting."

Now, it was my turn to scoff at Mason. He was a player, alright, a bad one. "Wow, Mason, you're good with girls. First, you trap Gabby, then Becca, Tammy something, and a bunch of other girls, and then me." Gabby chuckles and gives Mason the 'I-told-you-so' look. Mason simply shrugs and says he's naturally good at seducing girls to get in their pants.

Gabby and I roll our eyes at him as we turn to face each other. She asks me how I know Mason, and I briefly explain to her that we recently moved to this town and that my mom dragged my sister and me to garage sales. Coincidentally, we happened to visit Mason's garage sale out of all.

Right then, a blonde comes up to Mason and flashes him a cute smile, to which Mason sexily smirks at her and chats her up. Mason leaves all the right signals and charms the pants off of the blonde, telling her he'll meet her after school in his car with a wink. Mason definitely wasn't wrong when he said he's good at seducing.

The blonde and Mason talk some more. I use this opportunity to ask Gabby how long she knew Josh and Ethan. She tells me that they met Josh and Ethan in middle school and instantly became great friends until grade ten, where "shit happened." This gets my attention, and I ask, "What do you mean?"

Gabby nervously laughs, "You've met Josh, haven't you?" I nod at her, my eyebrows slightly draw together as I try to figure out where she was going with this. "That grouchy idiot has been like that since grade 10. It's a long story, but we're still friends. Josh is the distant one." She mutters the last bit, but I still heard Gabby, her voice set back with a deeper meaning. I decide not to push the topic further. I had no right to uncover my new friends' secrets just like that on the first day. I was a complete stranger to them for all they know while they've known each other for years.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now