Chapter XX

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Mason takes a deep, shaky breath before saying, "My dad had a younger brother who died two years ago. He was my uncle Jay; he was always so full of life and energy. I practically grew up with that guy." Mason chuckles sadly, and I rest my hand on his shoulder, rubbing my thumb back and forth to comfort him in any way I could.

"I kept the statue in our house to prove Josh wrong, that it was completely harmless. Instead, it followed similar events as it did with you, Emma. Gabby and Ethan experienced it, too, along with me because we always hung out together. We thought of throwing it away or breaking it. We even set it on fire because we thought evil spirits are scared of fire, but nothing worked. The statue kept returning and harassed my family and friends." Mason explains, and I'm held captive by his story as I picture everything happening in my head.

I couldn't imagine how traumatizing it must've been for him.

"We tried to destroy the statue and sell it only after my uncle died, but nobody wanted to buy it. Before that, we just threw it away once or twice, but it came back each time. I thought it was no big deal until I had that awful nightmare."

My eyes widened in horror, but I'm not too surprised since I remember Mason telling me he had a similar dream as me, but the only difference was that the statue wasn't choking him."You said that the statue wasn't choking you in your dream. Who was it choking?" I cautiously ask.

Mason's head snapped over to me, but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring off into the distance as if he time travelled two years back and was experiencing everything all over again. "My uncle Jay. The statue pounced on him when he kept blinking or looking around for help, and I was standing there, completely paralyzed and unable to help him."

I feel my heart sink to my stomach. That must've been awful to witness, even if it was just a dream.

"It was a dream, Mason. It wasn't real." I reassure him.

Mason shakes his head at me, his brown eyes emotionless and voice hoarse as he said, "No,

Emma, it was real. Two days later, I walked into our house and found the statue literally choking him. I was too late..."

Oh god. My heart ached for Mason; he saw his uncle die before his eyes, and he couldn't save him. His dream turned out to be true and followed the exact same events in real life.

I felt stiff, my breath caught in my throat. Does that mean my dream will turn out to be true as well?

"Josh is right when he says I fucked things up. I didn't believe him about the statue until I watched my uncle die. Josh had always been right about me; I sit around doing nothing and wait for people to get hurt before I do something about it." Mason buried his face in his hands and groaned in frustration, angered by feeling so helpless and clueless.

I try putting the bits and pieces of this puzzle together, still not coming to a proper conclusion. Josh must have experienced something with the angel statue, probably with this Penny person before Mason had it. Penny somehow died, assuming the statue was behind it, but Mason refused to believe the statue did that, so he must have taken the statue back to his home to prove Josh wrong only to have his uncle Jay die by choking at the hands of the statue.

Mason was oblivious the entire time the angel statue terrorized his family and uncle, but after his choking dream and witnessing his uncle die, he realized how wrong he'd been.

It couldn't have been Mason's fault. It would obviously be difficult to believe a figure made of stone could do so much. Unless you experience it with your own eyes, it's hard to think a statue could move around the house or change its appearance or even kill someone.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now