Chapter V

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I'm awoken from my restless sleep to the blaring sound of my alarm coming from my phone. I groan and turn the alarm off with a few taps on my screen before I slowly and reluctantly remove the soft covers from my face. I'm greeted by streaks of the morning egg yolk sun seeping through the cracks from the blinds.

I blink once, twice, then close my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. I slowly sit up and stretch my arms above my head, letting out a big yawn before noticing that Clarice wasn't sleeping beside me on my bed. I bring my hand to my face and rub the sleep from my eyes before dragging my feet off my bed and making my way to the ensuite bathroom that connected my and Clarice's rooms.

I decided to speed up my process to get ready, so I have time to navigate the maze that was Silverside High and find my first-period class.

With forty-five minutes left to spare, I grab my belongings and come out of my room wearing a navy striped dress that ended a few inches above my knees paired with white vans. I lightly curled my hair and smothered my face with some concealer to make me look awake, winged eyeliner and red lipstick.

When I stroll into the kitchen moments later, I notice that mom and dad were nowhere to be seen in the house. They were either at work or sleeping in.

Clarice then walks into the kitchen, wearing a nude shade jumpsuit. Her long, silky black hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, showcasing her shiny hoop earrings. Her jawline and cheekbones looked sharp enough to cut through glass, and her cat-like eyes would make anybody stop and stare until she threatened to skin them alive if they stared any longer. She had a perfect tan complexion and an hourglass body with curves hitting in all the right places.

"If I were a guy, I'd do you." I grin at her.

She smirks at me. "Likewise. You look hot." We laugh.

Just then, I remember the broken vase from last night. "Claire, did you put the statue back and clean up the mess from last night?" The colour from her face drains as if she remembered something. I asked her what happened, and she told me that when she woke up early this morning to check on the angel statue, she noticed it was back beside the fireplace, and the broken vase was on the shelf as if it never broke apart.

This causes the hair on my arms and neck to rise, and my eyes widen with fear. How was this possible?

Clarice reassures me that we definitely were imagining things because it was impossible to put broken shards of glass back together as if it were brand new. We decided to grab some coffee along the way to my school since we weren't thinking straight, and because Clarice was my only way of getting to school.

As Clarice drove to the nearest coffee shop, I decided to go over my schedule for this semester and probably try to memorize what room and floor my classes were on. I didn't want to look like a moron walking back and forth, trying to find her classroom.

AP English, Spare, Biology, Lunch, Kinesiology, and Business Communications. Not too bad since most of my classes were on the second floor. Plus, I didn't have to worry about climbing three flights of stairs every morning.

Clarice dropped me off twenty minutes before my first-period class started and drove off to her morning university lectures. I took a deep breath and made my way through the grand entrance, passing by groups of friends talking and laughing amongst themselves. Inside the building, I saw students scattered everywhere; some were hanging out with their friends. Some people compared their schedules with each other; some were navigating through the halls, and others were shoving their tongues down their significant other's throats.

Jesus, get a room.

English was on the second floor to the right side of the building, and I stood on the opposite side. I sigh and run up the stairs and speed walk to my class to get the best seats. I bump into some people along the way and mumble a sorry over my shoulder as I turn the English department's corner and attempt to find room 226.

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now