Chapter XXXI

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Josh, Mason, Ethan, Gabby and I were all sitting together in the waiting room, impatiently waiting on my dad to walk in with my mom and tell us everything.

I'm sitting between Josh and Ethan towards the right side of the room, and Gabby sat diagonal from Josh on his right side near the windows, and Mason sat beside Gabby on her right.

Mason's eyes darted towards Josh and me every few seconds whenever we moved an inch, but I tried to ignore him and not overanalyze what it meant.

My dad didn't tell Mason, Ethan and Gabby what he wanted to talk about either. He just told them to wait with us since dad needed to sign some papers, and mom was busy running around for Clarice.

Since Ethan didn't know, he would pester me every few minutes, asking me when I thought my parents would come and talk to us. He also thought of another way to annoy me by obnoxiously tapping his fingers on the chair handle, shaking his leg, or whistling some song I didn't like.I managed to ignore him for the first ten minutes until he got on my nerves, and then my brain got mad, so I slapped his thigh and threatened him that if he doesn't shut up, I won't buy him chocolate.

My threat had zero effect on him.

As if that wasn't enough, Gabby starts thinking aloud about what my parents will have to say, and I begin to fear if Gabby's trail of thought will reach the point I'm afraid to tell anyone.I knew my parents were going to talk about that and possibly finally admit everything they know about the statue, but that would mean putting everyone's lives in danger, including theirs and Clarice.

Gabby turns to look at me, her brown eyes curious. "What do you think your parents will tell us, Emma?"

"I don't fucking know!" I snap, and Gabby is taken aback by my sudden outburst but doesn't take any offence.


"Emma, what is your problem? Do you know something that we don't?" Mason cuts in, looking irritated.

I grit my teeth. My problem is you staring at me and getting annoyed for no particular reason just because I'm sitting beside Josh, is what I don't say.

I ignore Josh throwing daggers at Mason and take a deep breath to calm myself down. "It's nothing. I'm just as worried and curious as you guys, okay? Let's not argue and wait."

Mason scoffs, "You're the one who's snapping at Ethan and Gabby."

"Cut it out, man," Ethan warns.

"As I said, I'm worried too," I say slowly as if I'm speaking to a clueless animal. "I'm already going nuts, and you're not making things better, so please, just cut it out. I'm not in the mood to argue."

Mason holds his ground, clearly not satisfied with making my blood boil. "You know something, don't you? But you're not going to tell us. You'll just yell at every fucking person who goes out of their way to be there for you!"

What the hell? I never asked him to stop whatever he's doing and come to the hospital in the first place!

Gabby smacks Mason's head, glaring at him to stop making things worse for me, and Ethan warns Mason to shut the hell up before he starts a fight. Josh, on the other hand, stood up as if he's done with Mason's bullshit.

"If you can't talk to her like a normal person, you should get the hell out of here," Josh scowls, crossing his arms over his chest, but Mason ignores him and stands up, his cold eyes glaring at me.

Take a deep breath. You're trying to protect your friends. Don't be mad. Don't say something stupid. Calm the hell down before you punch something or someone.

Swallowing the anger, I calmly say, "You chose to be there for me, Mason, and I'm grateful, but-""Then fucking tell me what I deserve to know. I told you everything last night, didn't I?" He bites back, not caring about the warnings and glares he was getting from Gabby and Ethan as we all stand up.

Josh stands beside me, ready to pounce at Mason if needed. I narrow my eyes into slits at Mason, "Okay. I've been thinking about something, but I'm unsure if I should tell you and risk you guys getting hurt. I'm positive mom and dad will explain the same thing to you-"

"Then save us the fucking time and explain whatever shit you know, Emma," He growls, running a frustrated hand through his thick brown hair. "All of us have gone through some pretty fucked things with the statue way before you, so stop pretending things revolve around you because they don't. Don't you dare-"

Josh cuts Mason off by placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "If you don't stop talking shit about Rose right now, I'll beat your ass so hard, the doctors won't be able to repair you," He dangerously whispers, but I couldn't focus on his words for longer than a second, my mind drifting to what Mason just said.

If Mason decided to hold a knife against my throat and slowly slit it open, it wouldn't hurt as much as his cold words did. What hurt me the most was the fact that Mason sounded just like my mom, making my problems seem smaller than what they experienced in their life. Whatever happened to me never affected them in the first place.
"Mason, what the hell is your problem, man? Shut the fuck up for once!" Ethan scolds, but Mason only sends him a chilling look, one that could make Ethan shit his pants if he weren't friends with Mason.

Mason roughly swats Josh's hand away from his shoulder and growls, "Don't fucking touch me. You lost that privilege long ago."

Josh's face hardens, and he clenches his hands into fists. "I don't know what your problem is, but you're crossing the damn line, Mason."

I exchange nervous glances with Gabby, and she mouths, "fight." I reluctantly nod my head, unsure of what to do to stop this argument from getting worse.

"Are you fucking blind? Can't you see she's keeping us in the dark?!" Mason gestures his accusing finger towards me, and suddenly I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

Josh looked like he was trying his hardest to remain calm. "Don't think even for a second she's doing this on purpose. You don't know Rose."

Unfortunately, Mason chooses not to understand this and lets out a humourless chuckle, "And you do? All you've done is treat Emma like absolute shit, Josh! You have no right to defend her."

My pent up rage towards Mason wanted to come out faster than magma. "Mason, you have no fucking right-"

I'm interrupted when Josh loudly growls, "Because she was and still is hanging out with a piece of shit like you! You're great at uttering bullshit and breaking people's trust, just like you did with Penny and me, and now Rose."

I look outside the waiting room, feeling secretly glad nobody barged in to witness the chaos in here.

Ethan gets in between the two boys, placing his hand in front of their faces. "Alright, enough! Mason, let's take a walk so you can cool the hell down." Ethan tries grabbing Mason's arm to pull him away, but Mason doesn't move an inch.

Mason pushes Ethan aside and barks, "You're such a fake, controlling little bitch, Josh," He mutters, and I notice Josh breathing heavily at this point, the anger radiating off of him in waves. "You controlled Penny's every damn move and didn't let me talk to her! You're doing the same with Emma because once she finds out the truth, she'll hate you."

Josh loses his composure and grabs Mason by his throat, surprising everyone in the room, even himself, as we gape at him. "Shut up. Shut the fuck up! Nothing is going to stop me from beating the living hell out of you, so shut your fucking trap before I lose it."

Josh loses his grip around Mason's throat and shoves him, causing Mason to lose his balance, but he steadies himself quickly, pushing Josh harder with the same strength, and I move aside.

Mason clenches his jaw, all the muscles in his rigid body tense as he sneers at Josh with venom laid in his gruff voice, "You'll always be a deadbeat of a brother to Penny, a horrible friend to us, and a disgusting person at heart to the world."

Weeping Angel: Malvada (Book 1 of the Weeping Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now