Chapter Seventeen

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Evan and Brandie. I had to take a vacation leave at work so I could avoid Brandie at all cost. Today I am going in to let them know that I can no longer work there.

Evan, I don't plan on running into him anytime soon. The only place I really could run into him is at Eric's place. I have been avoiding that place. I have no reason to go over there. But it's not like he would be there. He has his own place. 

After that day, I stayed in my room for an entire week. Uncle Bobby didn't yell at me to go to work, to clean the house, or to cook dinner. In fact, he ordered out every night until he had to drag me out of my room. I didn't want to leave my room. But I knew eventually that I would have to. Staying in that cold room wasn't any good for my health. 

When I came downstairs the first day of leaving my room in a week, it was completely trashed. It looked like a man cave. It was so bad. So to take my mind off of the two of them, I cleaned for twelve straight hours until there wasn't a speck of hair. 


I throw on a comfy sweatshirt before going out in the October air. This will be the first day I've left my house and honestly, I'm a bit nervous. Anything could happen at any given moment.

I open the door, ready to walk out when I am startled by Danny. I've been avoiding him since he showed up at my house the day after we met. I feel bad. In fact, I feel terrible but I just didn't want to be around other guys at the time.

"Are you okay?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. 

I pull my jacket over my body a little more so I keep my body warm. I want to cry just thinking about what Evan had told me and I can still picture Brandie's grin. But I shake all of that from my mind and lie to Danny. "Yeah." 

He frowns and pulls me into a hug. "You're not okay." He whispers into my ear. A tear or two escape. I hug him back harder. I could really use the comfort.

Is it really that obvious that I'm not okay? That this is really hurting. Is it obvious that I've fallen for Evan and that he was able to rip my heart apart in a matter of minutes and that my best friend laughed in my face? Making it known that she didn't care.  

I pull away from the hug and wipe away my tears. I take a deep breath and gather myself back together. 

"I really need to go," I say, apologizing for his short visit. 

"Where are you going?" 

"Work, to quit."

He shakes his head. "Let me come with you." He offers. 

Having Danny come with me would be a good idea so I have something to distract me from over thinking how this is going to go. That way I can push the bad thoughts to the back of my head. 

I nod, agreeing with him. 

He opens the passenger door for me. Evan never did that for me. Although we weren't dating, it still is gentlemen like. But I have to keep reminding myself that Evan is not like other guys. He's different in both good and bad ways. 

He gets in the driver's seat and backs out the driveway, heading towards my soon to be my old job. 

"Danny you know that we could have just walked there right? It's a ten-minute walk from my house." 

He grins, "I'm lazy on shitty days like this," He points up to the clouded sky. I look up and smile. He's right, it is shitty outside. 

We pull into the small parking lot with a couple cars. I feel my heart begin to race. I know Brandie is here, I just don't know if I can face her right now. 

Danny places his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready?" I nod, knowing I'm lying to myself out loud. 

I open the car door and get out. I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears and it sounds like it's going to explode at any given moment.  

I hear a car door slam. I hear another one slam shut. I see Danny run over to me. 

"Hazel, don't..." He grabs my arm but before he can even finish his sentence I already see what he was trying to not let me see. 

And there it was again. The heartbreak. My heart can break so many times but for some reason, it can never get enough. My eyes are glued on them. Them as in Evan and Brandie. Evan is leaning against his car smoking a cigarette, watching Brandie as she has a deep, angry conversation with him. He has that grin on his face that he used to always give me when he knew he pissed me off. 

"Hazel. You're here to do one thing. Don't worry about them." Danny whispers in my ear. He puts his arm around my shoulders and forces me to walk up to the building. I am thankful for that because if it was just me, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of them. 

Danny opens the door for me. I glance over at Evan. He notices me and jumps up and quickly puts out his cigarette. Brandie turns around to see what he is looking at. I just walk inside. I'm sure Danny mouthed something to him. 

"Hazel!" Mandy jumps out of her seat and runs over to me and gives me a big hug. "How are you feeling? Are you ready to come back?" She rushes her words together. 

I give her a fake smile. "I actually came to talk to you about coming back." Her eyes light up. I'm about to break her heart and it kills me. "I can't come back. I can't work around Brandie." I admit. 

Her face drops. I think she may cry or punch me, I can't really tell. She doesn't say anything. She rushes over to her desk and pulls her hired files out. 

"I'll be right back." She puts her hand up, signaling me to stay put. 

Danny leans into me, "I thought she was going to kill you." I chuckle and quickly cover my mouth when Mandy returns. 

"We can't afford to lose you, Hazel." I just blink. "I just talk to Rob and he agrees." 

"Rob is here?" I question. She nods. 

Rob is the owner. He's rarely ever here. 

"We will give you a higher pay. You won't have to work with Brandie and you get your own office."


"Assitant manager. How would you like that?" Rob walks out from the back. My jaw drops open. 

"Yes!" I take the offer. I can't let this offer go. I won't let Brandie take this from me. 

I turn and instantly hug Danny in excitement. When I pull away I notice how big his smile is and how bright his eyes are. 

"This calls for a celebration tonight!" He says. I nod in agreement. 


Might do a give away. Might not. 

Don't forget to suggest songs for the playlist.

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