Chapter Forty-One

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 How is it, every time Evan admits to something... he ends up leaving for days or weeks at a time and he doesn't go crazy thinking about what he just said to me; if he even thinks about it at all. But when I do something like that, I go crazy. Is it because I am a woman and he is a man? Or what is it? I could really use the answer. 

Everybody is sound asleep at three in the morning because they don't have crazy thoughts running through their minds to keep them up. I'm the unlucky one. 

I quietly walk out of my bedroom, shutting the door behind me so that if anyone would wake up, they wouldn't know that I'm not in bed. I tip-toe to Evan's room. Thankfully, he forgot to lock his door and I am able to get in.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but I need to find out more about this "V" girl and what it is exactly she did to Evan that really broke his heart. I don't think Anne told me the entire story before and I know Evan refuses to tell me anything more about this girl. 

I head straight to his closet and start digging in his chest. But all the notebooks that were in here are no longer here. Where did they go?

"See anything you like?" Evan's voice startles me. I jump up and quickly close the closet door as if he wouldn't suspect anything but I already know I'm busted.

"Evan, I'm really sorry."

He chuckles and locks his bedroom door then walks over to me. I press my back against the closet door, unsure what his intentions are. Is he drunk or high? Is he wanting sex? Or is he mad and ready to curse me out for not listening to him like always.

"Hazel, I don't get you." He softly pushes a string of hair behind my ear. "When I tell you not to do something, you do it anyways. You don't listen." The pad of his thumb runs across my bottom lip. "But with every other girl, they listen to me." His voice is deep but soft. "Why is that?"

"I just want answers and you're not giving them to me." I whisper. I don't really know what to do right now. 

"Stop worrying about the past," His lips connect with my neck, making my head lean back, giving him more access. "live in the present." He starts sucking and puts his hands on my lower back, making my body collide into his. A moan escapes from my lips. 

What am I doing? I can't do this. No matter how much I actually do like Evan, I can't do this. The only reason he is seducing me is because he is trying to distract me from trying to find answers out or he is just really horny but I'm going to go with option two. 

I push Evan away from me. He looks confused and kind of hurt. 

"Evan, you can't just do that."

"Do what?"

"You can't try to seduce me and get me to have sex with you so I forget about the whole 'V' situation that I am trying to figure out. I'm going to get the answers one day, just know that." I walk over to the door and open it. Before I leave the room, I say one last thing to him. "I'm done having sex with you until we are actually dating, if ever." I walk out with a lot of confidence. That was very bold of me to say and I am quite proud of myself.


The next day all my mind was on was on was Evan and how I finally turned him down for once. I was able to leave the room without him stopping me. I don't know if he just didn't want to fight to stop me or if he just really thought about what I just said. 

"Hazel? What are you still doing in bed? You're going to be late!" Anne panics. 

Oh, right! School! Its my first day of online school to finally get my high school diploma that I no longer have to lie about. 

I rush downstairs and log onto the computer and get straight to working on my school work. Yes, I am doing online school since I only need a month to officially get my high school diploma. 

The only bad thing about my first day of starting high school again is, like I said, my mind being on Evan. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get my mind off of him. He is probably out having sex with some chick he picked up from the club or he is out at "work." 

All I want is for my mind to be free from him but it seems impossible. I start to slowly regret denying him for sex. Maybe if I would have done it with him, he would be here or at least calling me. 

Quickly, I shove that thought out of my mind. I should not feel sorry for saying no. I am better than that. 

About two hours later class is over. It felt as if the school day went by so fast and I have completed nothing. This is going to be a long 29 days of my life. 

I go back to my room to get officially ready for the day so that I can go out job hunting and hopefully get some type of job today so I can start saving up for college. 

As I walk in, my eye catches a gift bag sitting on my bed. That was definitely not there when I left my room this morning. I glance over at the window. It was slight opened. Someone had snuck into my room. Part of me knows  I should go get Eric but the other part of me is not patient enough to wait for him. 

I slowly walk over to the bag as if something was going to jump out at me. I squint my eyes and slowly peak my head in the bag from a distance. 

A... burner phone? What? 

I pull it out and look at the flip phone. It's fully charged with a text message on it, waiting for me to open it. So, I do just that. 

'Hey love, I miss u. Meet me at the creek behind ur uncles ASAP. - Evan xoxo' 

Evan? I don't know if this is his way of trying to be sweet and make up for last night or if this is just another one of his games. I'm really hoping that it's an apology. 

Well, forget job hunting today! I quickly change into a casual, but cute outfit that Anne bought me and head to the creek. I'm starting to believe this is a new beginning for Evan and I! I think he is changing!

I get to the creek but I don't see Evan anywhere in sight. I constantly start texting him over and over again, asking him where he's at. But no response. 

It was a game. I should have known all along. I was stupid to even think that Evan would ever change especially for me. 

"Miss me?" A male's voice startles me. 

I turn around and there stand someone I hate with a passion...



I might end this book soon and start book number two. Im not sure yet!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Smile, you're beautiful!

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