Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Throughout the funeral I can hear my heart beating in my ears. Every person that stepped up on that podium to talk about my father would stare at me the entire time . They wouldn't glance at anyone else, not even for a split second. I felt as if I was the one in front of everyone... and just then... I actually was. 

I stand here, unwillingly, and stare at a crowd of about thirty people that are staring right back at me. This couldn't get anymore awkward. 

Evan is staring harder than anyone in this room. He's waiting for me to talk, well everyone in this room is.

There are chuckles and whispers going around the room about me... during a funeral. Disrespectful right?

They don't know me and they probably will never see me again except for my grandparents. So anything I say shouldn't be carefully said. I should say what's on my mind and tell the truth. I know that's what my father would've wanted me to do.

He always lived with this quote as he grew up, '"Telling someone the truth is a loving act." Then as I got older, he would tell me those words everyday before him and my mother split. 

"I know most of you heard my name but never met me. You heard bad things because of the women who gave birth to me..." Everyone looks at each other shocked. The priest looks as if he wants to stop me, but he doesn't. "Well, I have some news for you. I'm nothing like her. She was never a mother to me, not even when she was with my father. He took care of me. I'm more my father than anything. So stop judging me as if I'm as terrible as that women. I'm not." 

I turn to look at my dad who is laying the casket, breathless. He looks nothing like I remember. He does look peaceful though. 

"And as for you Dad, thank-you for trying to stay in my life and fighting. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to see me grow up to be the lady you wanted me to be. I love you Daddy." And there went the tears streaming down my face as everyone in the room just watched me. 

I rush out of the room after I was done giving my speech. I expected Anne out of all people to come running after me but not this time. This time it was Evan. Someone I really don't want to see right now. 

"Are you okay?" Evan puts his hand on my shoulder but I push it away. 

"Not now Evan. Please. I just want to be alone." He looks hurt and confused. "I can handle you being a bully to me tomorrow and every other day but not today please." I try to hide my tears because I know that will give him something to make fun of me about. 

"Hazel, I'm here for you. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not a bad person." 

I roll my eyes. "Yes, you are. You are so rude to me and wonder why I don't want you in my life. Then you show up at my father's funeral when you don't belong here." 

"Here, I'll make you a deal." I look at him curious about what this deal he wants to make with me. "You can say whatever you want and I'll just hold you and not say a word and I will never bring this moment up again." 

I cover my eyes and put my face into his shoulder, crying. This feels good having someone hold me and just letting me cry. I really needed this. Even if it had to be Evan.

He starts rubbing my back, petting my hair down and starts rocking me back and forth as if I was a child but I don't mind.

"We are so glad you came sweetie." Grandma pulls me out of Evan's arms, I hear him disappointingly huff. "I'm also grad that you put everyone in their place. You did a great job." 

The rest of the Peter's family join us. Everyone greet each other once again. 

"Hazel, your grandmother and I had a great idea." My grandfather cuts everyone off. Everyone turns their attention to him. Grandma nods along with him. "Since your father is no longer here with us and your mother isn't in your life, you can come live with us in Canada." Me and the Peter's all drop our jaws open. I look down and see Evan's hands in a fist. "You're so young and should surround yourself with family."

"She's eighteen." Evan snaps. "She doesn't have to go with you guys." 

"Evan." Eric gives Evan a stern look. 

I ignore Evan but I start to really think about moving with them. But that means leaving the very little friends I have here and leaving Eric and Anne after they have done so much. I have too many memories here but a fresh start might be good for me.

"This is Hazel's decision." 

"No, it's not because if we have to, we will take this to court." What just happened to my sweet grandparents?

"No disrespect but I agree with my son, Hazel is eighteen so it is her choice." 

"She got fired from her job, so she has no income." How do they know that? "She also never finished high school." How do they know that too?

It's quiet for a minute. "Great, so we will be back in a month to get you. Have a good day guys." Grandpa dismisses the conversation; more like an argument.

We all get in the car except for Evan because he drove himself here but he is meeting us back at the house. 

"Hazel, you never graduated high school?" Eric asks. 

"No, I didn't. I quit a semester before my graduation and got my GED." I say with disappointment. 

"Why did you lie to us?" Haley asks. 

"We are not considering it lying Haley." Eric snaps. "There are some things about her life that she would like to keep private." 

After the car conversation, it was quiet up until we got home. When we did, I was the first one to get into the house besides Evan, he got here before us. 

I go right up to my bedroom, ignoring whatever Evan said to me when I walked into the house. I need time to myself to think everything over. What's going to happen? Isn't a GED enough? Should I go to college? Should I actually finish my high school degree? I do only have four credits left to complete...


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating!

I'm still really sick. Waiting for results!

Smile, you're beautiful!

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