Chapter Eleven

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I'm walking and walking. Where am I? This isn't the spot where I was last time. I want to see them. Where are they? Why am I not where I am supposed to be?

"Hazel Reene Kramer." Their voice echoes behind me.

I turn around and there stands the person I been waiting to see.

"Where are we?" I ask taking another glance at fields and fields of grass and trees.

"I thought," They place their arm around my shoulders. "That maybe I would show you when it's your time to come here." We start walking. "This is what it will look like. And if it doesn't look like this, then keep on fighting."

Honestly, it's beautiful. More beautiful than where I was last time. Never mind that, last time wasn't beautiful at all. It was depressing and cold. Here, it's warm and calming. I like it. I want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere else. Please let me stay.

"When can I come?" I ask.

They smile at me, "Any time you want." They whisper in my ear, "Just close your eyes and picture it."

"No, I want to live here."

They laugh and shake their heads. "It's not the time for that yet. Now go back."


I stir out of my sleep with a massive headache. I glance over to the other side of the bed, expecting to see Evan sleeping or at least lying there. But I was wrong.

Where did he go? Why would he just get up and leave?

Oh wait, he's a boy. See me sexually, pretend to care, and then get up and leave. Forgot that's how it always is. Silly little girl.

I quickly take his t-shirt off and throw it on his messy bed. I get dressed in what I came in. This is the last thing I want to be wearing, but since Brandie just had to leave me at the fucking club last night, I don't have any clothes to change into.

I leave him a nasty note next to his shirt. I grab my purse and jacket and walk downstairs. As I am walking down the stairs, I hear voices. Shit, Eric is awake.

The door is right in front of me. I can just sneak out the door, quietly and quickly. They will never know that I left or they might think that I never stayed. Then I can trust that Eric won't tell Uncle Bobby, then everyone can be happy.

I get off the last step and take a glance around the corner, into the kitchen.

"Hazel you're awake!" Eric greets me.


I give him a fake smile and walk fully into the kitchen to say my thank yous and goodbyes. "I was just about to leave." I point to the door.

Eric shakes his head and hands me a plate with bacon and an omelet on it. "Evan told us you weren't feeling well and would be sleeping in."

What the hell Evan?

"Yeah, but I'm okay."

"Oh no, no, no." The lady that was on Eric's lap last night jumps up. "I'm a nurse. You need to eat. Your stomach needs food. You drank quite a bit last night." She winks at me.

HE FUCKING TOLD THEM!?!? Now I'm really screwed.

Eric shoves the plate further in my face. I take it and sit at the table next to a girl who looks to be sixteen and looks a lot like Evan. The lady sets a glass of orange juice in front of me.

I take a bite of the omelet and swallow it before speaking, "Mr.Peters," I start off.

"Call me Eric. I'm your uncle's boss." He smiles.

"Uh, yeah." I take a deep breath. "I was just wondering if...."

"If I wouldn't tell Bobby?" My jaw nearly drops. How did he guess? "Your secret is safe with me." He winks at me. I now know where Evan gets his wink from.

I feel more relax and start to eat a bit faster so I can get out of here before Evan gets back.

"I'm Haley. Evan's sister." The girl says with an attitude. "Nice to meet you too." She rolls her eyes.

Wow, rude a bit?

"Haley go finish eating in your room." The lady demands the girl.

"MOM!" The girl yells.

Ohhh, so that lady is Evan's mother. I thought so.

"Go." The girl gets up and walks upstairs; more like stomps up the stairs.

I down the orange juice and stand up. "Thank you both for breakfast and letting me stay last night." They both smile at me.

Is this family always happy?

"Hazel before you go," Eric stands up and walks over to me. He pulls me into a hug. "You are welcomed over here anytime. With or without Evan." He whispers into my ear.

I thank them both again. Evan's mom gives me a hug and insists I call her Mom. I rush out of the house and quickly run down the street just in case Evan suddenly comes home.


I walk into the shitty house. There is screaming and yelling. (Doesn't surprise me.) His grandchildren are running around everywhere, making a mess for me to clean up. His kids, you know the ones that are supposed to be adults and that are older than me, are sitting on the couch with their feet propped up.

"Bobby isn't home. But he left you a note." The blonde says in a rude voice. I can't believe I am related to her.

I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen where the note is.

Hazel, you had your fun last night. Now start cleaning and preparing for dinner.

I crumple the note up and throw it in the trash can. Of course, I can never get a break from anything. Especially not here.

I start cleaning. Starting from the kitchen. Every two minutes I am yelling at the kids to get out of the kitchen so I can get it actually clean. It disgusts me how messy they can make an entire house in less than twelve hours.


Two hours later, I am close to being done. Just one more window to clean and I am finished.

"Hazel! There is a boy at the door for you!"


Sorry this chapter is shitty. I'm tired but wanted to update. 

I just ordered a bunch of stuff off of Amazon that was Evan Peters. #NoRegrets

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