Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Today is the day. Today is the day where I see my father again who I haven't seen in 10+ years. The only difference from today and years ago is, today I am saying my goodbyes. No more hellos. Today is the day where I regret not searching for my father and not keeping him close to me. Today is the day where I regret ever listening to what my mother always said about my father. Today is the day where I will hate the myself for the rest of my life. 

I stand in front of the long mirror in my bedroom. I'm where a knee length, long sleeved, black dress and my hair is curled. I was debating on wearing some eye make-up, but what's the point? All of it is going to come off anyways when I cry. 

I go through the different scenarios that could happen at the funeral in my head. Will anyone be there? Does anyone even remember him? Will anyone know who I am besides the Peters? What if people do know who I am, and they hate me? My mind and heart are both racing. This isn't good. This is going to cause my anxiety to peak and that's the last thing I want.

"Hey sweetie," Anne knocks on the door and lets herself into my bedroom. I give her a small smile. That's the best I can do without crying already. "We have to get going. The funeral starts soon and you have to be there to welcome everyone." 

"I do?" Why do I have to be the one to welcome everyone to see my dead father? I'm going to be the one that is the most hurt there. Nobody cared about my father the way I did. Even though he wasn't in my life, I cared. I didn't have much of a choice not to have him in my life. 

"Yes, you're his daughter. Eric is making sure you have a spot up front." Great, I have to be close to my father who looks like he is sleeping but he's actually not breathing. "Come on." She grabs my hand and walks me downstairs. 

By the door, Eric and Haley stand there patiently waiting for Anne and I. Haley still seems confused on why she has to go and as to why I am going when my father was barely ever in my life. 

The funeral is about a half an hour away, well it should've been. Eric made a wrong turn, causing us to get to the funeral at the exact time it starts so everyone was already there. Now I don't have to welcome everyone. I'm glad about that. 

Haley, Eric, and Anne all get out of the car but I don't. I just stare at the funeral home. I don't think I can do this. My stomach has turned upside down and now I feel like I'm going to be sick. Of all people, this had to happen to me?

I hear the driver's side, back door open and close but that still doesn't make me turn to see who it is. 

"You know you can't hide in here forever, right?" Evan. Of course he would come when I told him not to. He's getting to me at my weakest moment. 

"I could if I wanted to." 

"That's not the Hazel I know then. The Hazel I know goes face to face with the hardest challenges and never gives up until she has defeated it." Now he's being sweet?

"I have nothing left here. I have nothing to live for anymore, Evan."

"Hey." He grabs me by my forearm and turns me around. He is scowling at me. "Don't you ever say that again. You have a lot to live for." I roll my eyes. "You're Hazel Krammer and Hazel Krammer never gives up. I know this is your hardest challenge you have faced, but you can't let this defeat you now. Just grow stronger from it." Since when does Evan know what to actually say? Especially when it's something nice and sweet? Did he go to sleep and wake up a whole new person? Is that not actually him in his body? 

"You're so stupid." I roll my eyes again, trying to not crack a smile.

"And that's how I know I won. Let's go. You don't want to be even more late than what you already are." I agree with him and get out of the car. Eric walks over to me and rubs my back. I see Evan give his father a glare, but Eric doesn't see that.

"Why is he giving his father a glare?" I ask myself. But suddenly I push that question to the back of my head. That is the least of my worries. 

We walk into the funeral home, opening the doors to where some people are crying and being depressed, but other people are walking around, welcoming everyone and talking about old memories with big smiles on their faces?

"Why are people staring at us?" Evan asks Eric. 

"Because they hate me." I whisper. 

"What?" Evan, Eric, and Anne all ask in union. 

It's been about a minute and nobody has taken their eyes off of us yet. I can't even see my dead father laying the the casket because people aren't moving and they are staring at us. This is so uncomfortable, I really might just throw-up. 

Doors open behind us and close. I want to look back, but I can't.  

"Hazel Reene, is that you?" An older gentleman asks. I don't know who he is, but he looks familiar. Very familiar. 

"Cathy! Come look who it!" The man yells. 

"John, we are at a funeral! Why do you have to yell?" Cathy asks as she walks up. 

"HOLY HELL, IT'S HAZEL!" She screams and pulls me in for a tight hug. The man joins us. 

Ugh, this is so awkward. 

"I thought they hated her?" Evan whispers to Eric. 

Finally, they pull back and realize the confusion on my face. "It's Grandma and Grandpop!" 

Oh my god! I haven't seen them in years! I use to love going over to their house on the weekends and in the summer!

"How did you find out about this? Why did you decide to come?" Hurtful much? "Not in a rude way." She reads my mind.

The doors open from behind us again. "Yeah Hazel, why are you even here?" My mother pops out and starts heading towards my casket. I almost want to attack her. 

Evan shoots me a look that tells me he's ready to attack her. But I put my hand up, indicating that I didn't want him to do that. Eric whispers something into Anne ear than into Evan's ear that makes his face turn more red with anger. 

"Cidney, why are you here? You're not welcomed. Go home." Grandma yells to her. 

"My ex-husband. The father to my child. I can be here." She giggles when she sees him then takes a seat in the front row. 

"She isn't your child, when you abuse her!" Evan yells. Eric, me, and Anne all give him the look that says "What the hell?" 

Everybody in the room gasps. 

"Well Mr. Evan Peters, you don't know your girlfriend then."  Eric look at us confused. Great, now he thinks that  Evan and I are dating.

"I treat her a hell of a lot better than you have ever." That is true but he doesn't treat me good that very often. 

"I had enough of your shit!" A lady stands up from the bench and tackles my mother to the ground and they start fighting. I start laughing along with Evan but Grandma goes to pull the lady off of my mother and Grandpa goes to get security. 

They should've just let her go.


I been so busy guys I'm sorry. 

Smile, you're beautiful

Sorry no playlist update. 

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