Chapter Fifteen

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 I watch the boy that I foolishly kissed and tried having sex with standing outside on the phone, pacing back and forth. He's yelling, I can tell by his body language. The way he is gripping his hair, the way he pulls the phone away from his ear, not wanting to hear what the other person has to say.

I still hate him. I very much still hate the brown hair boy who broke my heart and I don't know how he did that. Like he said, he isn't mine. I told myself a hundred times that I didn't like him. That we weren't going to be anything. But my heart leads me to believe that we could but so did he, that night he gave me a bath.

I was drunk and let my heart take control. My heart took over the power that my mind had.

"Here's your pizza miss." The lady sets down two slices. I thank her before she walks away.

Evan walks back in and takes a seat, slamming his cell phone down on the table. He looks at me and just watches me like he is trying to read me. I set my pizza down until he stops staring because me being a girl, can't eat while other people are watching.

"Sorry." He whispers and starts to eat. I try to smile, but I can't. So I just begin to eat again.

He finishes his pizza within five minutes. I'm only halfway done my pizza. He sits on his phone, doing whatever it is that he is doing until I am done my pizza.

I leave my crust on the plate and slide it to the edge of the table where his plate is also.

I look at Evan. It's taking me a lot not to punch him in the face. But I don't even know if that's what I want to do. I don't know if I want to girl punch him or if I want to full on punch him in the face. But I am hurt over the littlest thing and I don't understand why.

Evan briefly looks at my plate and chuckles. He doesn't like crust either.

He leaves a tip on the table and pays the bill. I follow him out to the car. I get in and shut the door. I lean my head against the window and watch cars pass by one at a time. Traffic slowly building up then disappearing.

Evan is standing outside on the phone again. This time, he seems calmer. He is leaning on the hood of the car and is kicking rocks. After a good six minutes, he gets off and gets into the car. He starts up the car and turns to look at me.

"What?" I mumble, looking away.

"Give me your cell phone number." He says. I roll my eyes at his almost demanding voice.

I shake my head. "I don't have a cell phone."

"What?" He looks at me confused. "Everyone has a cell phone."

"Yeah, well some people don't have the money for that." I snap.

He grins and starts down the road. A few minutes go by and we reach a deserted road where there was absolutely nothing by trees surrounding us. There weren't even cars. Not in the distance either.

He turns the radio up and instantly smiles when the song 'If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away' comes on. He stops the car and blasts the radio, jumping out the car, leaving his door open and runs over to my side and opens the door, forcing me out of the car.

"Evan, what are you doing?" I ask as I walk towards him, which he is standing in the middle of the dead road.

He smiles and pulls me into him. "We are going to dance." He puts my arms around his neck and puts his hands on my waist. I can't help but smile.

I'm confused. He says he doesn't want anything, that we will never be a thing; but here he is dancing with me in the middle of a road. What is he trying to do to me?

We both start to sway our hips. I can't dance for shit but he seems like he has had practice. He leans into my ear and starts to soft sing in it. His voice and touch are so soft and calming that I rest my head on his shoulder waiting for the song to be over, but I don't want that. I want this moment forever.

The song ends and I feel myself getting depressed but I won't show it. I have shown enough emotions to Evan today.

We get back into the car. He doesn't start it up. He just sits there and stares out the window like I did back at Giovanni's. What is he thinking?

"Hazel." I look at him. His brown eyes are so focused. "When is the last time you saw your mom?" He asks.

I close my eyes and take in a sharp breath. "Don't call her my mom. A mom cares for their child and wouldn't leave them. A mother is a person that gave birth to you. That's all she did."

He puts his hand on my thigh. "When is the last time you saw your mother?"

"A year and a month ago."

"What happened?" He asks as if this conversation is giving him pain.

I look down at my hands and see his hand. "I put my opinion into a conversation. She thought I was giving her attitude and..." I feel pain hit me as I tell the story that I promised myself I'd never tell anyone. "She was drunk and chased me up to my room and beat me. She threw my baseball bat at the mirror and a piece had flown off and cut my leg." I lift my sweats up and show him the scar. He runs his fingertips over the scar, making me flinches.

"Bobby didn't do anything to help you?"

I shake my head. "No. He cared more about the mirror and door than me. I had to sneak out of the business party and go to the hospital.

"Last year?" He questions. I nod. "My dad was there last year. He didn't see you?"

"I mean I got out the party before everyone got into the house." He nods.

"Hazel, call me if anything or anyone tries to hurt you..."


Not much of a good ending sorry about that. 

Close your eyes and play If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away by Justin Moore and imagine it is you and Evan. Makes the moment so much more perfect. 

Smile, you're perfect(:

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