Chapter Forty-Three

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It's been two hours since I called Eric. There is still no sign of Evan. We got to a motel and into the room that I assume Adam has had for a while now because it reeks of weed and alcohol. The room is a mess. This place has a private bedroom with a door that opens suddenly and a young girl who looks to be about eighteen is walking out with an older man holding her arm. She's been crying and barely has any clothes on. When she notices I'm watching her she instantly looks at the floor while being walked out. The man shoves her out of the motel room into the cold and shuts the door.

Now I'm starting to lose faith in Evan coming to rescue me. Maybe he really doesn't care for me anymore. He really wants nothing to do with me anymore. I'm going to get killed here, I'm never going to see my uncle or Eric or anyone ever again.

"Is this Hazel?" The man asks as he sticks a joint between his red lips and takes a hit off it.

"Yes, it is," Adam confirms.

The man blows the smoke out of the corner of his mouth and grins. "Great. Get her ready. I'll be out in five minutes." He walks into the bathroom leaving Adam and me alone.

"Get me ready for what?" I panic.

"He's got business he needs to um, discuss with you." He grabs me by the forearm and stands me up. My heart begins to race. I know what this means and now my life is over.

The motel door kicks in and guns are pointed at us. Adam swings me to be in front of him and puts his arm around my neck, holding a knife to it.

It's Evan. Evan came for me. He really did!

"Well, well, well look who it is. Mr. Hot shot." Adam laughs.

"Let her go, Adam. You don't want to do this with me." I can tell Evan is trying to keep calm.

I begin to cry with so many emotions going through me. It all hit when I looked into Evan's eyes. Anger that he just left me. Scared because I have a knife to my throat. Happy because Evan's here to save me. But there's more anger in me than anything.

"Now why would I just give up your pretty little girlfriend?"

"She's not... never mind that. Adam just- "

"I'm not his girlfriend." I finish his sentence for him. When he looks at me, he can tell I'm hurt. He gives me a look that says just be quiet and we will talk about this later. Adam starts laughing- a creepy laugh at that.

"Dude let her go and let's settle this like men." Evan grows more irritated and I assume Adam's laugh had something to do with that. 

The bathroom door opens and out comes the man, who stops and stares at us for a minute.

"Holy shit Evan! What's going on man?" The man greets Evan. Are they friends? What the hell is going on?

"Garret? You know Adam?" Evan is just as lost and confused as I am now. Everyone is confused at this point. Each of us looking around at each other trying to understand what is going on here. I can tell Adam is enjoying this. I'm still scared with a knife to my throat. He has Evan where he wants him. He is using me as bait. It's working.

"You know Adam?" Garret questions also surprised and confused.

"Okay, everyone knows each other. Can we move on now?" Adam rolls his eyes. I don't get why we have to go through this again either. Evan looks me in the eyes, I can tell he's getting even angrier by the minute. They give it away.

"Hazel, I'm going to shoot." My eyes get wide and my heart starts thumping. This isn't happening. He's going to end up shooting me. I'm going to die regardless if Evan is here or not. My life is over. It ended when I met up with Adam. The most stupid thing I could ever do.

"Woah, there buddy," Garret steps in the way of Adam and me. "Adam is my family and if he doesn't like you, I don't either." He pulls out a pistol and points it to Evan. Evan's face went from serious to dumbfounded in a split second. "If you shoot, I'll shoot. If I shoot, he will slit your..." He pauses for a second and turns to me, using the back of his hand to run down my cheek. "pretty little girlfriend's throat..." He faces Evan with a big grin. "Then you're both dead and I win. Pick your battles carefully Evan."

"You won't hurt her." He's convinced. What the fuck is this Evan? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED HERE!? I have a knife to my throat, and you have a gun pointed to your head and you're still testing them!? What kind of fucked up mind do you have!?

"Evan!" I yell. He puts his hand up to silence me. I think for a moment about yelling and trying to convince him just to shut his mouth but Evan never listens to me anyway so wasting my breath would be stupid of me. 

"Oh, no. You see we will hurt her. But for you," He walks over and puts the pistol to Evan's temple. "You wouldn't let anyone else hurt her. Just you, only you can hurt her. Isn't that right Evan? Or maybe Hazel could confirm that." My heart sinks in. Garret is right as much as I hate to admit that, he is. Evan won't let anyone hurt me, only he can. If someone else hurts me, he's angry and ready to kill them. He is confusing to understand. His own family can't even understand him. That shows a lot. 

"This has nothing to do with her. So why bring her in the middle of this?" Evan continues to talk with a gun at his head.

"Drop the gun, Evan," Garret demands. Evan does as he's told. He slowly bends down while staring Adam in the eyes and slides the gun to the corner away from all of us. He puts his arms up, surrendering as he backs up even slower. Evan looks at me and he gives me an eye twitch which means he's about to do something stupid and he's warning me to run. I know Evan well enough that sometimes I can read him if he allows it, that is.

"Garret." Evan whispers in a demanding voice.

"What?" Evan throws his fist at Garret's face, catching his nose and catching him off guard. He stumbles back for a second, bumping into Adam causing him to let go of me. I go running towards the motel door as it's being kicked in again causing damage to the door and guns are drawn at everyone.

The first person I see is Eric. I run up and hug him. FINALLY, someone who cares about me is here to save me. I start crying into his arms as I hear the police in the background yelling at them three. Everything I hear seems so distant and my heart beating rapidly sounds like it's right in my ear. Tears after tears are running down my cheeks.

"Dad!" Evan yells. We both turn around and there he is in handcuffs. "Can you get them?" He signals at the police officer that has a hold of him.

Eric huffs and shakes his head. "Did you do that?" He points to Garret. We all look back at Garret who's face is already swollen from the hit he received from Evan. That's going to hurt in the morning and leave a nasty bruise.

"He had a gun to my head." Evan defends himself, shocked that his father isn't willing to help him this time around.

"Take him in boys. His hands are registered." Is all that comes out of Eric's mouth before turning away, not wanting to see his son being put into the back of a police car.

"What the fuck, Eric!?" Evan yells as they take him away to the police car.

That was it. At that moment I knew that I wasn't the only one that knew about Evan Peter's secret anymore. I knew that he would be put away for a long time and he probably would never forgive me for being stupid and believing those texts came from Evan. I was the one that caused him to go to jail. If I wouldn't have ever met up with Adam all of this would be avoided. I should have never called Eric either, he wouldn't have found out that Evan's hands were registered. All of this is my fault. Just when I thought that Evan Peters ruined my life, it was actually the other way around. I ruined his life. He will never forgive me. 


Author's note

Thank you everyone for reading! Please comment wattpad book suggestions for me to read!

Remember to smile!

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