Chapter Thirteen

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It's been ten days since I last saw or even heard from Evan. Part of me wants to go over to his house and apologize for what I had done. But the other stubborn part of me is still upset with him. He owes me an apology too.

Danny has been calling me almost all last week to see if I wanted to hang out but I always came up with some excuse. Working, babysitting, cleaning, etc. He hasn't called this week yet and asked so I am guessing he gave up. But it is only Tuesday.

I lay in bed, debating if I should call off of work today or not. Brandie might need me today. But lately, we haven't been busy. Also, I want to talk to Evan. But he doesn't want to talk to me if he hasn't tried in ten days.

I force myself out of bed and get changed. I throw my hair up in a bun and grab my purse. I walk downstairs. My uncle is passed out on the couch. So I am able to sneak out without any questions being asked. I couldn't tell him where I am going. He can't ever know.


I ring the doorbell three times. Is that too many times? I'm probably annoying the family. Oh no, Eric going to get pissed and tell Uncle Bobby. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Hazel? It's seven in the morning. Are you okay?" Eric instantly asks as soon as he answers the door.

"No, yes. I don't know." I say, confusing myself as well as him.

He opens the door more, "Come in." I thank him and walk in, ready to go up to Evan's room.

"Can I just speak with Evan?" I ask. His face expression drops.

"Evan doesn't live here anymore. I thought he talked to you?"

What? Evan moved out of his parent's house? Since when? It's only been ten days and everything changes. What the hell?

I shake the thought from my head and walk over to the door and open it back up. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Eric asks kindly.

"Actually yes," I turn around to face him. "Where does he live?"

He walks away and comes back with a piece of paper with an address on it. "You're not walking there are you?"

"Well yeah,"

He shakes his head and tosses me a set of keys. "Bring my baby back safe." He nods.

What? He just hands people his keys and let them take his car? He shouldn't do that. Rich or not. I know I wouldn't. Evan wouldn't even let a stranger in his car.

I'd feel bad if I took the keys anyways. I don't want them to think that I am using them.

"I'm sorry, I can't." I try to push them back to him.

"Hazel, we can either stand here and argue about this and make me late to work and get me angry, or you can take the keys for however long you need them and both of us can be happy." He gives me a stern look.

He's right.

I thank him a few more times before getting into the car and starting it up.


I pull up to a small townhouse. A few of them actually. I stand in front of the door of the address that Eric gave me. I mentally pray that I am at the right house because this would be very embarrassing if I wasn't.

I ring the doorbell and knock on the door a few times before someone answers. "Can I help you?" A girl rudely answers the door. I frown. Oh god, I have the wrong house.

"I'm sorry I have the wrong house." I apologize but still stand here. I don't know why I am standing here still. I should really just walk away.

"Well if you mention a name, they might be here." Damn, this bitch got an attitude problem.


She grins and looks me up and down. "How old are you? Twelve?" I don't say anything because if I do, I might hurt her feelings. "Follow me."

I'm unsure if I should even be stepping foot in here, but I do. I need to see Evan. I need to apologize. I can't sleep and I am not myself anymore. It's been ten days in hell. I want out of it.

"Hazel is it?" How does she know my name?

"Yeah?" She laughs.

"EVAN your obsessed girlfriend is here." She laughs.

Obsessed girlfriend? Okay, bitch, first off, we aren't dating and second off, I am NOT obsessed with Evan Peters.

We enter the room and my heart, once again, hits the floor and breaks. There sits Evan with a girl with long black hair, a bra shirt, and booty shorts on his lap, sucking on his neck. But what hurts worse is that he isn't even hiding the fact that he has some slut on his lap.

This was a bad idea. I told myself the entire ride to turn around but no, I just had to listen to my stupid heart and get hurt again. What is wrong with me?

"Hazel." He nods at me.

I don't know what to say to him right now. I can't apologize. My mind has taken control now. I don't even think my heart is alive anymore. I look between him and the slut on his lap. I start to cry in front of everyone. When I say everyone, I mean Evan, the slut, the bitch, and four other people. Three of them being guys.

I can't be here. I have stared long enough. He doesn't care. What the hell was I thinking to make out with him and trying to have sex with him? What. The. Fuck. Was. I. Thinking?

I throw his dad's car keys at him. He picks them up when they fall to the floor and he realizes they are his dad's keys.

I run out the room and out the house. I can't be here. I need to leave. This hurts too fucking much. I wish I never even met him. I wish I never got drunk. I wish I wasn't so damn stupid. I wish I never agreed to go to his house or take a bath. 

I hear the door slam behind me. If it's Evan, I want nothing to do with him.



This 1am update. Ha. 

More songs to add next chapter.

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