Chapter Forty

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It's been a couple days since the funeral and since Eric and Anne brought up the idea about either going back to high school and getting my diploma or getting a part-time job. Both of them don't sound bad. I could really use my diploma so that I can go to my dream college and I can also get a part-time job to pay for college because even if I get scholarships and grants, they won't cover for everything. I'd have to pull out a loan and I don't want to do that.

Dinner is ready and Anne calls for everyone to come eat. We all sit at the dinner table, the same exact spot as every other night. Evan's chair is empty like almost always. 

"Honey, I thought Evan was joining us tonight? It is Sunday." Anne asks Eric. 

He clears his throat and glances at me, then back at his food. "Um, yeah. He had important meetings tonight." 

My eyes get wide and my jaw drops open. Today is August 11th. He's allowed back at "work." How could I forget!? I'm going to kill him!

"So Hazel, have you thought about what you want to do?" Anne asks. 

"Please, please, please stay!" Haley begs while pulling on my arm.

I pat her on the back. "I was thinking that maybe," Both Eric and Anne look anxious, hoping that I will saying I'm staying here. "Maybe I could do both. Go back to school and get a job because I want to be able to afford to go to my dream college."

Eric smiles at me as if he is proud of my answer. "Which is  Seattle University, right?" I nod. 

"Oh my god, that's a great idea!" Eric agrees with his wife. 

Suddenly the front door opens slowly and we all turn our attention to the person walking into the house. Evan. 

Eric looks at Evan confused and I am just staring at him wondering if I should kill him now or just ignore the fact that he will always go back to that place.

"Hey." Evan greets everyone and takes a seat beside me. He looks at his dad. "I got done early and thought that I would stop by." His voice is low and soft. Totally not Evan. 

"We rather have you here anyways, Son." Evan just nods his head. 

"Hazel is staying!" Haley exclaims her excitement to Evan.

"Oh, is she? That's great." 

Okay, what happened to Evan? Who took him and replaced him with a look-a-like? He isn't acting like himself and I don't like it one bit.

"Yeah, she's going back to high school to actually get her diploma and while she is doing that, she is going to be getting a job and once she graduates from high school, she is going to go to Seattle University." Eric explains. 

Evan drops his fork and picks up his drink. "That's a terrible idea." He mumbles, only allowing me to understand what he had just said. 

There's my Evan. I mean't there's the Evan I know.

After dinner, like always, I helped Anne clean up and put everything away and cleaned up the dining room. That took a good twenty minutes or so to do so. But after that I head back upstairs to my bedroom because  I'm honestly excited to be able to start the life I been wanting for so long. 

When I open my bedroom door, there sat Evan on my bed. He looks comfortable just sitting there, looking at the papers that were on my night stand.

"Why are you doing this?" Evan asks. 

I roll my eyes and close the door behind me so nobody hears our conversation. "What part don't you like Evan?" 

He stands up and walks over to me. "All of it." He whispers. "I don't like the idea of you being in a building where I can't see you or talk to you or get in at all." 

"Meaning high school?" I ask. He nods. "I'm doing online school, Evan." His eyes light up but he tries to act like they didn't.  

"Everything else is still bullshit." He's back to himself. I walk past him with my arms crossed and sit on my bed. "What?" He questions. 

I know I probably shouldn't being asking him this because I already know he's going to avoid the question but it's worth a shot. 

"Where were you?" 

"When?" He asks as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about. 

"Before you came here tonight. Where were you, Evan?" 

He looks to the corner and back at me. He doesn't know what lie to use. 

"You went back to that shit hole didn't you?" My voice is getting louder. I can't help it. I'm so upset right now. Why would he put himself back in a position where he could potentially be killed?

"I'm done here." His voice his barely a whisper. 

"No, Evan!" I jump in front of him to stop him from leaving. Now my back is up against the door, blocking him. "You always make me answer your questions! Now it's time for you to answer mine!" 

He closes his eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm himself. 

"Evan, you could be killed one day in there! Is that what you honestly want?"

"Hazel, move." His voice is demanding but I won't budge. 

"No! If you go back there and do get killed, you won't be able to protect me anymore!" His eyes get dark at the mention of me. "You want someone else to touch me the way you did?" I try to lower my voice that time but it wasn't happening with the adrenaline running through my body. 

His face turns bright red and now I can see angry Evan coming back. 

"Fuck! No Hazel!" He pulls his hair harder and backs up. He spins around and go towards my dresser. What is he doing?

"I went to see V!" He picks up my small lamp and throws it against the wall. 

Oh, he's pissed. 

"Are you fucking happy now!?" 

"What, why?" I feel my heart break a little because I picture him trying to get her back or trying to seduce her.

"To tell her how much she fucked up my life! To tell her how I can't be the man you want me to be because she fucked me up so bad! About how I dream about marrying the perfect girl but I know that's never going to happen because SHE FUCKED ME UP!" 

My heart slowly pieces itself back together. He basically admitted that he wants to be with me and wants to marry me someday. 

"Who do you want to marry Evan?" 

He glares at me, "You. But baby-girl that's never going to happen and you have her to thank for that." He whispers in my ear before leaving the room.


It's been a crazy summer. I'm sorry I'm just now updating. 

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Smile, you're beautiful!

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