Chapter One

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I run-up to my room, slam the door and lock it. The party is slowly getting started but so does my alcoholic mother screaming at me, stomping up the stairs. As usual, my uncle doesn't care what his sister does as long as it doesn't affect him.

"Cidney beat her ass quietly and fast! My coworkers and boss will be here soon!" I hear him faintly yell at her.

God please, please, please stop her. Another bruise from her, I couldn't take it. I have done nothing wrong but put my opinion into the conversation. Please, God, don't let this woman hurt me again. One of these days she will beat me to death.

A bang at the door startles me out of my prayers. I jump and grab my bat from softball practice. I have to defend myself somehow. This will be the sixth beaten this week that I got from her. With a few more fists to my door and two really big kicks to my door, she breaks it down. Great, now I have no door. And here we go...

"Oh, what are you going to do with that? Hurt the woman that gave you life?" She throws her head back and laughs. I hate that laugh. I hate hearing it. It's even in my nightmares. I hate going to sleep in the dark because I don't even have to close my eyes to see her laughing at me.

She yanks the baseball bat out of my hands and throws it across my room and lets it smash my mirror. I wince at the sound of the glass shattering. She grips me with my long hair and pulls me up. She pushes me against the wall and takes her belt off. "Want to give me an attitude again?" She yells in my ear, nearly making me go deaf. I don't say a word but I begin to silently cry. The first whip stings worse than I ever imagine. I knew it was coming, but at the same time, I didn't. "Answer me, Hazel Renee!" She yells louder with another wack of the belt to my butt.

"No!" I cry and fall to the ground. I curl up into a ball and receive a smack to the head by my own mother's bare hand.

She slips her belt back on as if nothing had happened. She walks over to where my bat is and snaps it in half. Sometimes I forget that my grandfather had put her in karate classes afraid that a man would ever lay a hand on her. But turns out, she's the one that likes to beat people. And when I say people, I mean me and my father. She throws the broken pieces at me and grabs her bud light beer can and walks out the bedroom door, stepping over those broken pieces. I stay seated on my bedroom floor, crying for another five minutes before my uncle walks up and sees the mess. He shakes his head but he also looks pissed off.

"Clean it up. Guest will be here soon. I expect you to be cleaned up and downstairs in ten minutes." He demands. He shuts what is left of the door so nobody sees the mess or me.

When I was little I use to think my mother was the most beautiful person I ever met. Of course, I did, she's my mother. Or she was, I no longer consider her my mother. She would always tell me how beautiful I was and how much she loved that she was chosen to be my mother. We'd do arts and crafts together every Thursday when I got home from school. She would let me help her with dinner even when I messed things up, she never yelled at me. She'd help me with surprises for my father. 

March 27th, 2018, my father left. I never understood why until now. I never knew what went on behind closed doors or what happened when I was at school. Then I came home from school that day to my father gone and my mother hated me ever since. He left a note on my bed.

Hazel, my beautiful daughter, 

I hate that I have to write this but I have to get out while I can for my own safety. I will find you one day and reunite with you. I know you're safe with your mother until I can see you again. Please don't ever forget me. 

Love, Daddy

Actually, Dad, I'm not safe with her. Why did you leave me with her?


- One Year Later -

"Hazel get down here! Guests are pulling in!" My Uncle Bobby yells. I glance out the window and watch as men in black and white suits get out of their Mustangs, Ferrari's, and Lamborghini's. I look at myself one more time in the mirror. I am now eighteen years old, wearing make-up. I am wearing a short white dress with silver high heels.

"Dress to impress." Uncle Bobby's words replay in my head at least ten times before I walk downstairs.

I get downstairs in time before the men and their families have walked in. Uncle Bobby looks at me and smiles. "Good girl." I give him back a fake smile. 

The doorbell sounds. Uncle Bobby walks to the door to greet them and I walk to the kitchen to get the wine and beer ready. I sneak myself a glass of white wine and set it in the fridge until I was ready to grab it. Wives walk in ready to get their drink on. Uncle Bobby and a few men walk in after them.

"Is that Hazel I see?" Eric, my uncle's boss asks.

Uncle Bobby smiles. "Oh, yes. This is Hazel Renee." He introduces me to everyone. I smile shyly at them while standing behind the island counter. After a few of them leave the room, I see a tall boy that looks to be about 5'11, just watching me like a hawk. He doesn't say anything. He watches me until the last person walks out. Then he decides to walk fully into the kitchen.

"May I help you with something?" I abrupt his thoughts. He looks at me with wide eyes and a boyish grin. He shakes his head, not saying a word. He grabs a beer bottle and pops it open. How old is he? He starts to walk out. "Excuse me, sir. How old are you?" I cross my arms. He looks at me amused.

"Old enough." He whispers and walks over to my uncle and his boss and starts up a conversation.

"Hazel! We need two beer bottles!" Uncle Bobby yells. I roll my eyes at his demand but do as I am told. "Actually Evan here could use another one!" Evan? That boy that was in here?

I grab three bottles and take them to them. I hand one to each of them. "Thanks, baby doll," Evan whispers to me with a wink. I roll my eyes and go back to the kitchen. I grab my glass of white wine and the rest of the bottle and sneak up the back staircase to my room. I sit in my room and down the glass of wine. It has a nice cold crisp taste to it. I always look forward to these parties. Except for last years. But that is beside the fact. I take the foil off of the half-empty bottle of wine and start downing the rest. Well, that was until I was interrupted.

"Are you trying to get drunk?" A deep, familiar voice interrupts me. I pull the bottle away from my lips and look over to see Evan walking towards me. He takes a glance at the broken mirror and a glance at my bedroom door.

"I do what I want," I say with a cocky attitude and put the bottle back to my lips. I don't know who this guy is or why the hell he's even trying to give me a lecture but I'm still not going to listen.

"There are guys here. Soon to be drunk and you're a young attractive girl. That's a big mistake, Hazel." His voice is stern.

I roll my eyes at him. "They can do whatever they want to me. Nothing new." I laugh and put the bottle back to my lips once again, downing the rest. I try to drown out the memories of my mother that keep coming back every year this party happens or every moment I see my bedroom door.

"That's enough!" He yanks the bottle from me. His eyes suddenly are darker than I noticed earlier. His face is scolding me, disapproving of my actions. What does he care? He doesn't even know me. 


Hope you guys are liking it so far.

I update every Friday and every Tuesday.

Do you guys like Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, or Mr. March better?

I'm all Kit to be honest.

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