Chapter Twenty

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A boxing ring? Why is there a boxing ring where he works? What is this place?

I turn around and walk down the hallway that Evan did so I can find him or at least attempt to find him. 

As I walk past this one door. I overhear a conversation between two men. 

"It is almost championships. In three weeks. You have to beat Peters. He's undefeated." The man with black hair speaks. 

"Carol, I'm going to do what I do best." The man with brown hair with blonde tips smirks. "Make him accidentally bleed to where he needs to go to the hospital." 


My anger takes over me and I stomp into the room. "I don't know who the fuck you are but you're not touching Evan!" I cross my arms, being as scary as I can be for a small girl. 

They exchange looks and both start laughing at me. Why are they laughing at me? 

The man with fat muscles stands up from the bench and walks over to me with a creepy smile on his ugly face. He pets my hair until I swat his hand away. I feel uncomfortable now.

"Carol, we got a feisty little one." He chuckles. Carol joins him. I frown. 

"Should I call security?" Carol asks. The man looks at me and tilts his head then shakes his head. 

"We could use baby girl here." My eyes widen. What the hell did I just get myself into?

"Adam by the way." He holds out his hand. I look at his hand then at the door, then back at his hand. I have to find Evan and tell him these disgusting men are trying to fight him.

I dodge towards the door but a strong hand grips me by my forearm and yanks me back. 

"Oh no, no, no baby girl. If you want to see your man, you'll have to stay with us." 

See my man? Okay first off, he isn't my man. Second off, they better have not hurt him. 

"What did you do to him?" He smirks and just shrugs. Asshole. I'm going to call the police if they hurt him!

"What every person gets when they get in my way." He winks at me. 

Oh my god, they hurt Evan. I know I have a lot of hatred towards Evan right now but I don't want people hurting him. Even though he is such an asshole who has a cold heart, he doesn't deserve torture. 

"Come here," Adam holds up a rope. "Can't risk you trying to escape the room again."


I'm standing behind Adam and Carol. I can't see over their extremely tall figures but I can hear a bunch of chanting and shouting. I can see lights flashing off the wall. But the only person I want to see is Evan. I want to make sure he is okay and that they didn't do anything bad to him. 

"Weighing 172 pounds... MR. EVAN PETERS!" A voice yells over the microphone. A lot of people scream. I hear females screaming too. 

"Weighing 203 pounds..... Adam Jackson!" Not as many people chanted for him. It makes me giggle. Carol looks back at me and I pretend as if I didn't giggle. I cover it up with a fake cough.

Adam goes out on stage and Carol stays put with me. My hands are tied in front of me with the rope. But I can see Evan. He looks okay! Thank goodness!

"What no sidekick this time Adam?" I hear the beautiful voice of Evan. I grin. 

Adam laughs into the microphone. "Oh no Peters, he is holding something very precious of yours." He pauses and looks around the crowd. "And actually, I think we should put this fight off until tomorrow night." 

"Are you scared?" Evan asks with his famous grin.

People start laughing. I don't understand what is so funny? 

Carol gets back in front of me.

"You, my friend," I look around Carol and see both Evan and Adam in the ring. "Broke the first and most important rule." Evan looks at him confused. Uh oh, what did he do?

"In the manual packet, the first rule states you are not allowed to tell anyone about this place and you, you had done that." 

"What are you talking about?"

"Carol!" He yells. 

Carol grabs a hold of my forearm and drags me out to where everyone can see me. I look over at Evan and he looks extremely pissed. 

Oh shit, I'm the one that made him break the rule. Him getting hurt is going to be my fault.

Carol pushes me up the stairs to the boxing ring. Adam helps me in since my hands are tied. 

"She's very pretty Peters." Evan's jaw clenches and he balls his hands into a fist. Both of them. 

Evan's P.O.V

"Carol!" Adam yells into the microphone. Everyone's attention turns towards the door as well as mine. I have a giant grin on my face... that was until something... someone...

Hazel. Fucking Hazel.

Why the fuck is she here? How the hell did she even find me? She was supposed to go back to bed! No fucking follow me!

I clench my jaw and I am ready to deck them in the face. I'm so going to have it out with Hazel as soon as we get back to my place.

It was even then when I was truly pissed off about seeing Hazel come out. I hadn't realized they had her tied up as if she was some criminal. That's when I exploded. But I needed this fight. I couldn't risk my anger getting the better of me, but right now, it's slowly climbing up there.

"She's very pretty Peters," Adam smirks. He's trying to set me off. He knows I really want this fight. I want to fight right now. While I am pissed so I can break his jaw. 

Carol shoves Hazel towards me and she falls. I shoot him a glare. He widens his eyes and takes a step back. I knew he still fears me while he is around his sidekick. 

I help Hazel up and quickly untie her wrists and throw the rope at Adam. He just laughs it off. 

"Let's go. Right now." I challenge him. 

He laughs and flips the microphone up in the air and then catches it. "Oh, but we can't Peters. You broke the rules. You know we have to put it off until tomorrow or you will be disqualified." 

I look over at Hazel. I see the sorrow in her eyes. She didn't know. 


Here you guys go! Sorry I'm really exhausted and didn't know I was going to write this chapter very crappy like. 

I'm changing the name of the story though once I finish the book. There gonna be some intense stuff to come in this book!

Also I'm doing a giveaway AND I'll be having my first book signing!! 


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