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Alison Rose Hughes

Age 14

Exceptional in earth alchemy and fire alchemy.

Has had over 7 years of experience.

Mentor: Roy Mustang

"Well... Looks like you have quite the impressive record."

A hopeful look spread across Alison's face. It had been her dream for years to become a state alchemist, but only recently had she wanted it so soon.

She had read that the youngest state alchemist had been 24, and she was about to knock that record right off its ass.

"Yeah." Was all she could say.

"Hmm... I think we can make this work. After all, you've had the best mentor any person could have."

"Thank you sir." She said with a smile.

She shook the fuhërs hand and anxiously walked out of his office. She couldn't wait to tell her father.






K, cool. So how's it going my lovelies? How was the summer? Good, okay. So in case you were wondering I need something to keep me busy and what better than starting another fanfic even though I haven't touched my other one in months but oh wellll.

So yeah, full metal has been taking up all if my time since the beginning of summer and I LOVE IT!!!  So why not incorporate some of my ideas into it bc what else is wattpad for?? Trick question HA GOTCHA.

Anyways, no copyright is intended. Literally the only character thats mine is Alison so yeeet. Everything else is all fullmetal. So enjoyyyy

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