Chapter 39

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Ashleigh wreaked havoc on the canyon dwellers. With the sanguine star in his palms, he had unlimited power.

Chimeras surrounded the valley and were destroying homes, and slaughtering the people.

They tried to fight back, but their bullets were no use.

So of the other chimeras were attacking table city. Military men, black bats, and citizens all came together to try and fight off the wolves.

"Sir.." One of the wolves spoke behind him.

"Take a good look at this..." He chuckled," I've been waiting for this for years.. "

"But sir..."

"Listen. Don't ruin this for me. Whatever it is, it can wait."

"But the girl-"

"Is dead. Now go make yourself useful."

The chimera snarled and jumped down to join the party.

Ashleigh stood on the cliff side with a twisted smirk on his face. He was so confident and caught up in what's going on, that he hadn't the slightest clue what was above him.

Ed, Al, and Alison flew silently overhead with the bat wings across their backs.

"Ed, Al, go help the people down there. I'll do what I can with Ashleigh."

"Are you kidding? He'll tear you apart!" Al objected.

"I'll be fine. You'll hear if I need help."

Al looked to his brother for guidance,"She knows what she's doing. We'll follow your lead." Ed said.

Alison smiled and parted ways from the brothers.

Her eyes were locked straight on the black haired man. He used the stone in his hands to explode buildings and structures in the valley.

Military personnel and able bodied men were trying to help get everyone out of the valley to safety.
Alison landed behind him and threw her flight gear off.

Asheligh turned around, first in shock then in cockyness.

"Heh.... So she lives..."

"You sure as hell aren't getting rid of me that easy."

Alison saw the glow of the rock in his hands. He clutched it in his palm and smirked.

"Looking for this?" he said opening his hand.

She glared at the man who she once could call her brother.

"Well, I hate to break it to you little sister, but this stone belongs to me. Heh.... You're going regret not staying dead..."

Red light blared from his palm and exploded the ground she was standing on.

She jumped out of the way and clapped her hands on the ground. A giant plat form arose from the ground she was on and smashed onto the place Ashleigh was standing.

However, he was able to get out of the way and continued shooting energy from the star.

Alison ran the perimeter of the cliff side and dodged them as they came.

She ducked just in time, but it hit a metal container behind her.

The earth rumbled and red hot magma spewed from the container down into the valley.

Alison watched horrified as the people ran to try and escape the hot liquid.

Ashleigh laughed at their pain..

"This is what happens when you don't cooperate. Now do me a favor, and die!"

The platform underneath her feet crumbled and she was sent flying with a startled and painful scream.


Eds head jolted up and saw smoke coming from above.

He clapped his hands and made a wall to hold the magma, for now...

"Al, get everyone out of here and onto solid ground!" He yelled.

The younger brother nodded and Ed grabbed the glider he had left behind.

He jumped off a higher platform and flew up to where Alisons scream was.


Alison fell to the ground before her once brother..

He kicked her hard in the gut, and it knocked the air out of her lungs. She laid clutching her stomach and gasping for air.

"Ya know.... you were always the gifted one. Mom and Dad always thought you to be the better child. And me? Well, I was second place. And maybe they were right.... But that didnt stop me.... Even at their last dying breath..... I swore revenge..."

Alison's eyes widened for she suddenly realized what he had done.

".....y-you...... You killed them....."

A twisted smile planted onto Ashleigh's face as he placed the stone in front of her to receive the killing blow.

Alison laid her head on the ground and closed her eyes. Parts of her life were playing in her head all at once. She realized that her life may not had been so bad after all.... Although her parents were killed by her deranged brother, she wasn't without family. She had the people who raised her.... Mustang.... Ed and Al..... She wasn't alone....

A single tear ran down her face as she smiled and waited for her very own blood to kill her...

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